The weekly meeting of Houlton Chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) was held Friday, March 8. There were nine TOPS and three KOPS present. The Loser of the Week was Cheryl Driscoll and the Runner-Up was Pam Richardson. Millie Gagnon gave the weekly weight report. Thank you Millie. Charlotte Marley won the Skinny Dish and Jean Merritt won the 50/50. Betty Wyman got the Health Basket.
We’re in the final week of our contest with the winners to be announced on the 22nd. Thank you all for participating.
Barbara Troy led us in our weekly exercise program. Thank you, Barbara. Pam Richardson, with Barbara Grant’s help, presented an award to Jean Merritt for being a KOPS member for 14 consecutive years. Congratulations Jean on this achievement. We have a great group, one that gives support and encouragement to each other. That nudge that we get or give to each other can be just what we need to help ourselves on track toward our personal goal. So thanks to each and every one of you.
For more information or to join our group, call me Pam Richardson at 538-8760. Come join us.