Houlton area From our Files – Week of June 24, 2019

6 years ago

115 Years Ago – June 24, 1904

     Making progress Thibodeau Bros. are showing commendable enterprise in the progress of making their brick building on Main Street. They have the walls up, four stories and basement, and are now putting on the roof.

100 Years Ago – June 25, 1919

     Change of address The Maxell Bros., who recently opened a garage on Military Street, have already outgrown their quarters, and have leased the Cates Garage in Union Square, where they will be in a position to attend to all patrons in a first-class manner.

     Teacher Miss Florence Pond of Houlton completed a year’s work in the Carson School on Friday. Miss Pond is a very successful teacher and Littleton will be fortunate if her services can be retained for the coming school year.

75 Years Ago – June 29, 1944

     Wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schools of Littleton observed their 40th wedding anniversary June 22 in the house which has been their home for 40 years. The couple were married at St. Mary’s Church in Houlton, June 22, 1904, by the late Rev. Jeremiah McCarthy. 

     Attends school of banking J. Frederick Donald is spending two weeks at the summer session of the American Graduate School of Banking being held at Rutgers University.

50 Years Ago – June 25, 1969

     Honored Mrs. George Rich and Miss Barbara Wilsom, members of the Houlton High School faculty and staff, were honored at a tea at the high school preceding the closing of school in honor of their respective retirements. Mrs. Rich, head of the high school English department of the past seven years, has completed 25 years of teaching, while Miss Wilson is retiring after service as a teacher and librarian of 35 years. They were presented with a sum of money from faculty members.

     Retirement party Elson Blood, of Houlton, was honored at a retirement party Thursday evening at Parkview Terrace attended by 48 guests from the U.S. Immigrantion Service and U. S. and Canadian Customs. Mr. Blood was the recipient of a wristwatch. Warren E. Riedel, assistant district director of Immigration and Naturalization Service of Portland, presented Mr. Blood with a retirement certificate for 32 years of service.

25 Years Ago – June 29, 1994

    Retiring Three staff members of Hodgdon High School will be retiring at the end of this school year. The faculty and students held a retirement party recently for Mr. Vail, Mrs. McCarthy and Mr. Dunphy.

    Benefits scholars — Shop ‘n Save held a car wash June 4 and raised $200 for Houlton-Hodgdon chapters of Dollars for Scholars. Presenting the check to David Hutchinson, president of Dollars for Scholars and meat manager at Shop ‘n Save, was Karen Bickford, deli manager.