Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of June 24, 2019

Compiled Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
6 years ago

101 Years Ago – June 27, 1918

Manufacturing in the area — W. F. Griffin, bookkeeper for the Stebbins Lumber Co. at Howe Brook, was in town. The company manufactured a cut of nine millions at Howe Brook. They were expected to start and manufacture stock in the area. 

L. Pitcher Co. — Ernest Wood, manager of the C. L. Pitcher Co., who made Presque Isle his headquarters, was on a six-weeks business trip through the Western States, as far west as Idaho, in the interests of the company.

75 Years Ago –  June 29, 1944

Hospital Association VP — Dr. Frederick T. Hill of Waterville was reelected president of the Maine Hospital Association at the final session of the annual meeting at Waterville. L. H. Alline of Presque Isle was elected vice president; Miss Pearl R. Fisher of Waterville, secretary-treasurer; Theodore F. Spear of Rumford and Dr. Allan Craig of Bangor, members of the executive committee. Miss Fisher was chosen delegate to the convention of the American Hospital Association and Mr. Alline alternate.

New Rotary president — Dr. Loren Carter was installed as new president of the Presque Isle Rotary Club at the weekly luncheon. Dr Levi Trundy was the retiring president. Chairmen of the various committees of the club gave a report of their activities during the previous year. Rotarian Harold Bryant passed around cigars due to the new arrival in the family. 

50 Years Ago –  June 25, 1969

Facility admitting patients — Aroostook Convalescent Center, a $750,000 intensive care facility for the elderly, opened Tuesday afternoon admitting its first patient, Mrs. Cora Coffin, 89, grandmother of the developer, Ronald C. Coffin, Rockport, Mass. Some 25 patients were expected by the end of the week, according to administrator Cecil Adams, Fort Fairfield. Furniture was still arriving and workmen were putting final touches on special projects, but the staff was organized and essential equipment was ready. Coffin brought in his crew of Massachusetts consultants for the opening period.

Professor appointed at ASC — Dr. George W. Bowman was appointed to the position of professor of English and chairman of the Division of Humanities at Aroostook State College. Dr. Bowman had his bachelor of arts degree from Ashland College and his master of ats and doctor of philosophy from Indian University. He had many years of experience in college teaching and administration, most of it as professor of English and chairman of the Department of English and Wilmington College in Ohio. The Division of Humanities at Aroostook State College combined the areas of art, English, foreign language, music and speech. 

25 Years Ago –  June 29, 1994

13th season — The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Upward Bound program began its 13th season June 27. Students participating in the program were enrolled in math, language arts, science and Spanish courses during the morning session. In the afternoon session, students did a paid or non-paid work experience, take elective classes in self defense, found art sculpture or sign language. Bridge students, those who graduated from high school in June and planned to enter college, took English 101 class. Students live on campus and return home on weekends, except for one weekend camping trip which is part of the science curriculum.

Memorial donation — The Kennedy family, represented by Wanda (Kennedy) Passero of Mapleton, donated funds to The Aroostook Medical Center’s Tumor Clinic. The funds purchased patient education videos on chemotherapy, and a vascular access device teaching aid, which was demonstrated by oncology nurse, Joyce Davis, RN. Each year, Kennedy family members contribute homemade items which were auctioned off at their reunion. The proceeds were then donated to a charitable cause.