Camp roads are subject of soil scientist talk

6 years ago

NEW LIMERICK, Maine — The Southern Aroostook Soil and Water Conservation District will hold an informal “Camp Road Walk and Talk” along the South Shore Road at Drew’s Lake Thursday, July 11, beginning at 8:30 a.m.

Maine state soil scientist Dave Rocque will lead the walk, discussing common gravel road and driveway issues and providing practical solutions. Rocque has 35 years of experience and this workshop is a great opportunity to get free, common-sense advice on improving gravel roads and water quality. 

The group will meet at the junction of South Shore and Winter roads. Parking is limited so if people are able to carpool, please do so. Walking will be involved so please wear comfortable shoes and bring a water bottle. 

No pre-registration is necessary. Participants can be a part of the morning workshop or join the group along the route for parts of it. DEP erosion and sediment control contractor recertification credits are available. For more information, please contact the SASWCD at 254-4216 or go to their website at