Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of July 10, 2019

Compiled Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
6 years ago

101 Years Ago – July 11, 1918

Changing business — Mr. Axelrod of New York, of the firm of Marks & Axelrod, was in town. This firm, which had changed its business from buying chiefly to growing potatoes, was among the largest in New England in its specialty of potato raising. It had that season a plant of 350 acres, most of which was on three adjoining farms near this village. During that time, the crop was in fine condition and had every indication of a good yield.

75 Years Ago –  July 13, 1944

Corporal Niles home from Italy — Corporal Myron N. Niles, the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Niles of this city, and a veteran of the North African and Italian campaigns, arrived home. He received his medical discharge from the Army. He had been ill in an Italian hospital camp prior to his return to the States.

First lieutenant — 1st Lt. Philip C. Walker of Big Spring, Texas, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Walker of Presque Isle, was promoted to his rank from that of second lieutenant, announced Col. John P. Kenney, commanding officer of the Big Spring Bombardier School. A former student of the Fort Fairfield, Maine, and Naugatuck, Conn., high schools, Lt. Walker also attended the University of Tampa in Florida, and was an accountant for the Bradburn Radio Corp. in Houston prior to his enlistment. He was stationed at this field as a bombardier instructor since receiving his commission here in April 1943.

50 Years Ago –  July 9, 1969

Extra aid — School Administrative District No. 1 received an additional $36,000 in state general purpose aid for the 1969-70 school year, Superintendent Joseph McBrine announced. As a result, the district held a second budget meeting to determine the use of the funds. The money was appropriated by the 104th Legislature in a bill which required school districts to hold budget sessions before Aug. 1.

$40 Million returned to taxpayers — The Internal Revenue Service refunded $39,940,462 to taxpayers in Maine since January, District Director Whitney L. Wheeler announced. Included were $38,925,539 refunded to 244,147 taxpayers and $1,014,923 to 1,742 businesses. Director Wheeler also announced the Internal Revenue Service Center, Andover, Mass., detected 335,134 errors while processing the first 295,286 Maine returns. Of this number, more than 6.695 were errors made by taxpayers who overcharged themselves $1 or more. In the first 56,983 business returns processed from Maine, there were 3,442 errors.

Fred Tapley re-elected — Fred Tapley was re-elected president of the Aroostook Health Center Board of Directors. Also re-elected were Charles Mountain, first vice president; Israel Kinney, second vice president; Vera Mackay, secretary; and Ola Orser, treasurer. 

25 Years Ago –  July 13, 1994

Hemphills are ‘Farm Family of the Year’ — A highlight of the annual Maine Potato Blossom Festival was the traditional Industry Dinner, held to honor a local family as the Farm family of the Year. The dinner was held at Richard Shaw’s potato house and recognized Presque Isle’s Hemphill family as the outstanding farming family for 1994. The Hemphill family is a five-generation farm family with farming roots dating back to 1885. Joseph Hemphill, originally from Knowlesville, New Brunswick, brought the family to Presque Isle in that year. He cleared land in the Creasey Ridge area of Presque Isle and engaged in farming.