Driver hospitalized with broken neck after car slides on black ice

5 years ago

WASHBURN, Maine — A 59-year-old Van Buren man was hospitalized after his car slid on a patch of black ice and rolled over twice on Route 164 on Tuesday morning. 

Michael Morneault was traveling from Caribou to Washburn around 6 a.m. when the accident happened. He was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash, which police said most likely saved his life. 

He broke his neck in the accident and was transported to Cary Medical Center for treatment this morning, said Sgt. Jarad Carney. 

Morneault may be taken to a hospital downstate later on, Carney said, but it looks like he will make a recovery. 

“[The] roads were pretty nasty this morning,” Carney said on Tuesday afternoon. 

This story may be updated.