Aroostook CA$H Coalition to re-open tax prep services

5 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The Aroostook CA$H Coalition, sponsored by The County Federal Credit Union, will begin Phase 2 of its free tax preparation services Tuesday, June 2.

The coalition is offering in-person appointments for taxpayers to file both state and federal tax returns if their household income is below $56,000 and have not yet filed. This service will continue each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at the Aroostook Centre Mall location until July 9. 

Appointments will run from noon to 4 p.m. on those days. All dates and times are subject to change based on the state’s recommendations regarding COVID19.

All recommended precautions will be in place to ensure the safety of both the clients and the volunteers preparing the returns. Preparer stations will allow for proper social distancing. Clients will be asked to wear a mask and bring their own pen for signatures. Only one person from each household will be allowed in the office at the time of the appointment. All preparation sites will be cleansed between clients.

The Coalition recently worked out the multi-phase program to offer tax filing help to clients. The first  phase offered “over the phone” help to those who had not filed yet, but only receive Social Security Income or Social Security Disability Income. These clients most likely qualified for the Maine Property Tax Fairness Credit. This service began on May 11 and is ongoing for those who still need this service.

With filing dates for both state and federal returns pushed to July 15, some clients may want to try to file their taxes on their own electronically. The Aroostook CA$H Coalition has a few resources to offer for help. People can get questions answered “on the spot” by a live person by calling CA$H Maine’s Facilitated Self-Assistance Program at 207-778-7954. The Maine Revenue Services taxpayer services number is 207-626-8475, which offers similar help with online filing. That number can also be used to order income tax forms to be sent to your home.

For more information about Aroostook CA$H or to book an appointment for free tax preparation help, call United Way of Aroostook at 764-5197.