EASTON, Maine — Theresa Bonner, Easton School Department’s guidance counselor, has been going into classrooms periodically to work with elementary students on random acts of kindness.
She has touched on themes like respect, caring, inclusiveness, integrity, responsibility and courage.
Students in grades 4-6 focused on gratitude. They made thank-you cards for people in their community, including volunteers from all across Aroostook County who are helping the Agency on Aging assist older persons in signing up for their COVID-19 vaccine appointments.
According to the Centers for Disease Control COVID-19 Dashboard, the Aroostook region is a state leader in fully vaccinating those age 60 and above.
The student-made cards were presented last week to these volunteers to show appreciation for all their efforts in helping keep neighbors safe and healthy. Bonner said the Easton youth enjoyed hearing where and who their cards would be sent to and took great care in sending positive messages.