Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of June 7, 2021

4 years ago

The past couple of months The Ark has been hit with some pretty hefty vet bills. During COVID we did not have access to a vet and it put us behind on all of our vaccinations and wellness exams.

As many of you know approximately 50 cats call The Ark home most of which are special needs and ferals. These cats are our responsibility and while they are in our care we have a commitment to make sure they get everything they need and this includes vaccinations and vet care.

Last month we fully vaccinated 31 cats. The vet bill was $1,800. Last week, we had four cats at the vet. One had a full mouth extraction, two more had a full set of blood work and x-rays. One of those cats suffers from IBS and is on meds and a special diet, the food alone is $54.99 a bag.  The other has had all his teeth removed and struggles with a sore mouth. He is on three different meds. The last cat who is deaf and 14 has a UTI and was diagnosed as diabetic. The total for that vet visit was a little over $5,000.

This week we have five more cats going to the vet — four for vaccinations and one for a neuter, blood work and vaccinations. We are not sure what that vet bill will total.

On June 10, the cat diagnosed as diabetic goes back to the vet and has to spend the day to have her glucose curve checked. Again we are not sure what the total will be for that cat.

I have to admit when we were paying these totals we were a little overwhelmed, but we feel we had no choice. We have made a commitment to every one of these cats. We make that same commitment to every animal that passes through our doors. This is what sets us apart from other rescues. We do whatever it takes  for every single animal in our care.

This article is two fold. It is meant to educate everyone on the cost of owning an animal. If you think when you get an animal you will worry about care later don’t get one. It happens when you least expect it and it is expensive. Everyone of the cats that went to  the last vet run was an owner surrender. Everyone of them had health concerns. Vet care is an essential part of being a pet owner. No animal should ever be denied vet care.

We are also writing this because we need your help. Right now, we are  at almost $7,000 in vet care with two more vet runs to come. We are amping up our fundraising efforts. Remember we receive no town or state funding. 

Our monies come from fundraising, donations and grants. If you would like to help, there are many ways that can be done. Support our fundraisers, donate food and litter. Make monetary donations, do your own fundraiser for us.  We appreciate any help you can give.

Donations can be mailed  to The Ark  70 Main St.  Houlton Maine 04730. Supplies can be dropped off at the Hollywood Pet Salon at the same address.

Thank you for your continued support and as always thank you for reading our column.

The Ark Animal Sanctuary is located on 101 Old Woodstock Road. To contact Lorraine Monfils call 532-7387 or check out their Facebook page.