Daycare students learn fire prevention tips

4 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Youngsters at Susan Sewell’s Daycare in Houlton received a special visit from members of the Houlton Fire Department Thursday to learn fire prevention safety tips.

The group of about 22 children became honorary fire deputies for the day, complete with red plastic fire helmets, as Houlton Fire Chief Milton Cone and firefighter DJ Norton went over all of the basic fire safety techniques.

Children were shown what a firefighter in full turnout gear looks like when they have to enter a burning building and were given a run-down of all the pieces of gear on a firetruck.  

The highlight of the visit, however, was an opportunity to spray the fire hose at a target.

HOULTON, Maine — June 24, 2021 — Susan Sewell’s Daycare on Weeks Street in Houlton received a visit from the Houlton Fire Department June 22. Firefighter DJ Norton (far left) and Fire Chief Milton Cone (far right) spoke to the youths about fire prevention. (Joseph Cyr | Houlton Pioneer Times)