Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of March 22, 2023

2 years ago

100 Years Ago – March 22, 1923

Book by former Aroostook resident — The Star-Herald was in receipt of a copy of “Flashes of Thought”, a book of witty and humorous short stories and worthwhile selection, compiled and published by Alfred W. Hall, Portland, Maine, a former resident of Caribou

. This little book was full of bright and fresh stories, bits of sentiment and anecdotes, and was one of the most readable and entertaining literary compilations which had fallen into the writers hands for sometime. It was well worth the price asked for it $1.00 or $1.10 with case.

75 Years Ago – March 18, 1948

Mrs. C. O. Wieden was named president of Pierian Club — Mrs. Clifford O. T. Wieden was elected president of the Pierian club for the season to succeed Mrs. Ira Bither at the annual meeting held in the Northeastland hotel following a noon luncheon. The following officers and committees were also elected: first vice president, Mrs. Preston Martin; second vice president, Mrs. William Hanscom; recording secretary, Mrs. Roger Erskine;  corresponding secretary, Mrs. Herman Kirk; treasurer, Mrs. Roland Andrews; auditor, Mrs. Olin Berry; historian, Mrs. Roy Barker; parliamentarian, Mrs. Harry Whitney.

Junior Red Cross display — A window display of work done by Junior Red Cross members was one of the outstanding features of the opening of the Central Aroostook Chapter’s annual campaign for funds. The display, arranged by Eleanor Downing and Marianne Teft, featured holiday decorations which the Junior Red Cross members made and sent to the veterans’ hospital at Togus. The afghans, stuffed toys, handkerchiefs, and face cloths were made for children’s hospitals.

50 Years Ago – March 21, 1973

Mapleton voters passed $44,191 appropriation — Approximately 75 townspeople attended the annual town meeting and approved a net town appropriation of $$4,191.60 to be raised from property taxes for 1973. This figure did not include school appropriations, county taxes or the overlay. The net appropriation was $12,412.45 less than the previous year’s, town manager Edward Gagnon reported. Although he expected this to lower the mill rate, Gagnon said, it was difficult to predict what the mill rate would be because of an ongoing revaluation of the town. The overall municipal tax commitment was $94,191.60, exclusive of school appropriations, county taxes and the overlay. However, the town anticipated $50,000 in revenue from excise taxes, interest on liens and other sources of income.

New Pine and Spurs officers — The Pine and Spurs Riding Club met at the Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute Saturday evening, March 10, to elect a new queen and to discuss amendments to their constitution, procedures for the coming show season and stabling facilities at the show ring. Miss Cheri Briggs of Presque Isle was elected queen with Miss Elaine Fournier of Ashland and Miss Becky Hunter of Mapleton at first and second runner up, respectively. Officers of the club were Mrs. Natalia Bragg of Washburn, secretary-treasurer; Donald Winston of Washburn, president; and Ronald Fournier of Ashland, vice president.

25 Years Ago – March 25, 1998

Employees honored — At a recognition luncheon, Maine Mutual Fire Insurance Company honored four employees for their longevity with the Presque Isle based company. Among those in attendance were Ted Tornquist, chairman of the board of directors. Other guests included board members, retirees, family members of the honorees and all company employees. Those receiving awards for their years of dedicated service were Steven Chandler, assistant vice president and personal lines manager (10 years); Brenda Perkins, Flewelling-Haney, endorsement service representative (15 years); and Larry Shaw, president and CEO (15 years).

Oak Leaf moved its main office to The County — Oak Leaf Systems, Inc., an advanced computer network solutions provider, announced the opening of a new office in Presque Isle. The company focused on providing information technology solutions to businesses throughout Aroostook County. Oak Leaf Systems provided a full range of information technology services, from network design and im to ongoing support services with guaranteed response time. In addition, Oak Leaf provided Internet related consulting services, including web site design and hosting services.

New chairman — New Live Wire Chairman Dave Staples received his Life Time Membership Certificate from his predecessor Thomas F. Lavin, Jr. at a ceremony.