Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of April 19, 2023

2 years ago

100 Years Ago – April 19, 1923

Contestants for the most popular teacher — Two of the Presque Isle teachers, Miss Flora Brooks of Ashland, Principal of the Gouldville School, and Miss Adah Savage, a member of the staff of that school, were among the contestants in the Bangor News Contest for the most popular teacher.

Both were popular teachers, and had a good following. Miss Savage was a native of franklin, where she spent her vacations at her old home with her mother.

75 Years Ago – April 15, 1948

New Rotary head — William D. Halloran was named president of the Presque Isle Rotary club at a meeting of the directors. Clifford O. T. Wieden was named vice president; Lloyd Greenlaw, treasurer; and Robert Tate, secretary; and Robert Andrews, sergeant-at-arms. The directors voted in favor of the proposed radio auction program.

Gagnon elected head of Presque Isle Little Theatre — Edward A. Gagnon was elected president of the Presque Isle Little Theatre at its second annual meeting at the Community Recreation Center, Carroll F. Pritham was reelected secretary – treasurer. Mrs. Donald Sweeney, president, conducted the business session which followed a picnic supper. Tentative plans were made for another meeting and for a group of one-act plays. Mrs. Harold Good was in charge of arrangements for the supper, assisted by Mrs. Edgar McBurnie, Mrs. Antone Beaulieu, Mrs. Henry Gagnon, and Mrs. Albert Smith.

50 Years Ago – April 18, 1973

MPS granted 10.9 rate hike authorization — County residents faced a probable 10.9 percent increase in their electricity bills as the result of an increase in rates granted to Maine Public Service Company by the Maine Public Utilities Commission April 9. The commission authorized MPS to file a new schedule of rates, tolls and charges and a new set of rules and regulations applying to electric service and electric rate schedules within 20 days. According to MPS president, Ralph Brown, the company filed the new rates with the commission April 13. The new schedule of rates became effective following approval by the commission.

Dorsey was appointed — Francis M. Pierce, president of the First National Bank of Aroostook, announced the appointment of David I. Dorsey to the position of executive vice president and chief administrative officer of the Bank. A native of Fort Fairfield, he was a graduate of Fort Fairfield High School, Maine Central Institute and received his B.S. degree in business administration from Bryant College in 1964

25 Years Ago – April 22, 1998

United Way honored volunteers — The United Way of Aroostook celebrated its 40th anniversary and the completion of its successful fund drive at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. Special recognition went to Fraser Papers Inc., which participated in its first employee campaign, raising more than $31,000 for the United Way. The four unions at Fraser all participated in the campaign through payroll deductions, and earned Fraser the Employee Campaign of the Year award. Other first-time contributors recognized were: Fish River Rural Health Center; Portland Glass in Presque Isle, which had 100 percent employee participation; Tesco; and Loring Job Corps. 

Duncan honored — Rick Duncan along with his father, Richard H. Duncan, co-owners of Duncan Graves Funeral Home, were selected to receive the Sam Walton Business Leader Award, sponsored by the Wal-Mart Foundation. The Duncans were chosen as the award recipients by the Presque Isle Area Chamber, which received a $500 grant in the honoree’s name. Wal-Mart Stores established the Sam Walton Business Leader Award in 1995 to recognize local business people who best exemplify the principles of Sam Walton, its late founder, according to David Glass, president and CEO of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Duncan was one of more than 650 business people in Wal-Mart and SAM’s Club communities around the country who were selected by their local Chambers of Commerce to receive the award.