Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of May 1, 2024

9 months ago

99 Years Ago – April 30, 1925

Potato Growers’ Loan Association formed at Houlton — The Maine Exchange Agricultural Credit Corporation, organized at Houlton, to loan money for agricultural purposes, filed a certificate of incorporation at the Department of State. The capital stock was $75,000, all of which was common stock; nothing paid in; par value of a share, $10; number of shares subscribed, 3400; directors, Nathan F. Perry, president; Ralph H. Sprague, Presque Isle; Ray C. Gary, treasurer, Caribou; Delmont Emerson, Island Falls; and Fred L. Putnam, Houlton.

50 Years Ago – May 1, 1974

Osgood won an appointment to West Point — Thomas Frederick Osgood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osgood of Easton, was notified of his appointment to the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. He was sponsored by Congressman William S. Cohen. Osgood received the NEDT Scholarship Achievement Award for being in the top 10 percent of the nation in his freshman year.

Promoted — Norris D. Braley, district conservationist with the Soil Conservation Service in Presque Isle, was promoted to the position of project coordinator with the Time and Tide Resource Conservation & Development (RC & D) Project. The project included parts of Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Cumberland Counties, with the office being in Rockland. Braley had served as district conservationist in Presque Isle assisting the Central Aroostook Soil and Water Conservation District for the previous four years. He had also served in Houlton and Belfast.

Sorority elected Countywide officer slate — Members of the Northern Maine Executive Coordinating Council of Beta Sigma Phi met in Limestone to elect a new slate of officers for the coming year. Those chosen were Chairman Darlene Ashby, Phi, Fort Fairfield; Corresponding Secretary, Muriel Blotner, Xi Nu, Presque Isle; Treasurer, Nancy Cleckner, Chi, Loring; Recording Secretary, Laurie Berry, Alpha Epsilon, Presque Isle. The council represented over 200 Beta Sigma Phi members from 10 Aroostook County chapters as well as a newly formed chapter in Perth Andover, NB. Its purpose was to coordinate several of the sorority’s more important events during the year.

25 Years Ago – May 5, 1999

Second place — The Presque Isle Pat’s Pizza Atoms youth hockey team completed its season as the runner-up in the New Brunswick Minor Hockey Council. Members of the team were coach Naldo Gagnon, coach Rick Collins, coach Mike Young, coach Larry James, captain Justin Sawyer, assistant captain Peter Goumas, assistant captain Derek DeMerchant, Collin Gartley, Bradley Young, Sean Daigle, Erick St. Peter, Theodore Gagnon, Mitchell Blodgett, Corey Collins, Gregory Whitaker, Benjamin James, Tyler Michalowski, Douglas Cyr, and Brandon Adams.

1999 Miss Washburn crowned — 1999 Miss Washburn, Miranda Hafford, was crowned during the pageant held April 24 at Washburn District High School.

1999 Miss Easton crowned — Crystal Ferris, 18-year-old daughter of Wade and Leah Ferris, and a senior at Easton High School, was crowned 1999 Miss Easton by the reigning 1999 Junior Miss Easton, Shelby Wilcox, at the Community Tea sponsored by the Easton Home Extension held at the community center April 24.

Rotten Sneaker Award — A pair of Presque Isle youths who spent a lot of time at the Presque Isle Recreation Center during the winter months were recognized at the annual peanut carnival held April 22. Fred Bird was the middle school winner and Chris Coffin the elementary school winner of the 1999 Rotten Sneaker Award, given to the top “gym rats” in Presque Isle. The presentation was made by Dick Gardiner, recreation programmer.