Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of June 26, 2024

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
7 months ago

99 Years Ago – June 25, 1925

School fundraiserThrough the efforts of Mr. John S. Carver, Principal of Aroostook Central Institute the school, raised money through the sale of candy at the institute, during his principalship here, to buy molding for the rooms, Muresco for the ceilings on the first floor, assembly ball, corridors and office, purchase a large flag and procure a framed portrait of the late Honorary Howard Pierce, who was chairman of the board of trustees of A. C. I., which was placed on the wall in the assembly room. Mr. and Mrs. Carver made many friends here who regretted their going and wished them good success and much happiness in their new home.

50 Years Ago – June 26, 1974

Glen Salwak won Paul Bunyan open — A young Presque Isle man won the Tenth Anniversary Paul Bunyan Championship at the Bangor Municipal Golf Course Sunday, June 23. Glen Salwak, 22, the son of the University of Maine at Presque Isle president Stanley and Mrs. Salwak, took the championship with a score of 217 after three days of play on three courses. The championship was sought by a field of 380 contenders. Salwak reported that his score was three over par, and that he had scored 74, 71 and 72, respectively, on three courses, two in Bangor and one in Bar Harbor.

Easton girl elected Girls State Governor — Residents here turned out Saturday, June 22, to welcome home Donna Dinsmore, an Easton High School Dirigo Girls State delegate who was elected governor at the Girls State in Bangor. Miss Dinsmore, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dinsmore of Easton, was escorted home from the Presque Isle bus station by a motorcade. At the Easton High School, Miss Dinsmore was presented with a savings bond from the merchants of Easton and with a gift from the American Legion Auxiliary.

Best of show — Mrs. John Watson and Mrs. Charles Hanson received best of show awards in the Presque Isle Garden Club’s annual flower show held June 19. Mrs. Watson, who took first prize in three of the artistic design classes, received the division best of show award for her arrangement of white flowers in an antique white container. Mrs. Hanson took the horticultural division best of show award with her “Moses in a boat” flowering plant, a Rhoeo discolor.

25 Years Ago – June 30, 1999

Local trio earned accreditation — Denise Green and Julie Freeman of Presque Isle and Shellie Doody-Corriveau of Caribou, teachers at Aroostook Gymnastics in Caribou, had all attended the USA Gymnastics Kinder Accreditation for Teachers (KAT) Workshop, an important step in self-education. For each teacher to become fully accredited, they had to take a developmental gymnastics written examination, and attend a rigorous eight hour workshop. The eight hour workshop focuses on educating each teacher about preschool-specific gymnastics. This includes child development, lesson planning, teaching methodology, safety considerations and much more. The workshop provides each participant with the information they need to be effective teachers of preschool gymnastics.City received grants for safety record — The city of Presque Isle was awarded two grants through the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) Risk Management Services. The City’s public works department was awarded up to $1,552 to go towards the purchase of a confined space retrieval system. The City had to provide one-third of the cost of the retrieval system which was one of the requirements in applying for the Safety Grant Enhancement Program. Purchase of the retrieval system which consisted of a tripod, harness, winch and cable, allowed the department to be in compliance with the Maine Bureau of Labor Standards regulations requiring this type of system when employees work in a confined space. Through the Safety Grant Scholarship Program, the solid waste department was approved for $500 for attendance.