Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of August 14, 2024

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
2 months ago

99 Years Ago – August 13, 1925

Senator Hale endorsed the Quoddy Power project — Sen. Frederick Hale arrived in town, and after consultation with Dexter P. Cooper, engineer in charge of the quoddy tidal power project, issued an approval and endorsement statement to R. C. Emery of the Eastport Sentinel. Senator Hale came by automobile from Ellsworth and returned there late in the afternoon.

August government crop estimate showed slight increase — The government crop estimate, released August 10th, gave the figures for the U.S. potato crop as 353,296,000, bushels, or 3,730,000 more than the July estimate. The increase was understood to be in the West, with a decrease in  Maine and New York.

50 Years Ago – August 14, 1974

Presque Isle Future Farmer greeted Butz — Scott Williams, reporter of the Maine FFA Association, greeted Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz during the State President’s Conference in Washington, D.C. The week-long conference, sponsored by General Motors through the National FFA Foundation, involved state FFA officers in leadership development programs and activities to increase their knowledge of the FFA and the nation. Scott was elected reporter of the Maine FFA Association at the annual FFA State Convention held at the University of Maine in Orono June 25-26. He was also the Star Agri-Businesssman of Maine.

Duncan became a member of the floral industry — Margaret A. Duncan of Cook’s Florist in Presque Isle became a member of the floral industry’s esteemed American Academy of Florists during the society of American Florists’ 90th annual meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, on July 30. The American Academy of Florists symbolizes excellence in the floral profession. 

Antworth hired — Northeast Institute of Industrial Technology announced that Gregory Antworth of Presque Isle completed the resident day program in refrigeration and air conditioning technology. He was hired by Goan’s Refrigeration in Presque Isle as an air conditioning-refrigeration technician.

Tater meal renovation — Tater Meal, Inc., a Presque Isle producer of animal feed from potato wastes, took advantage of its annual summer shutdown to renovate and enlarge its facilities at its industrial park plant. Tater Meal employees installed a bearing for one of the plant’s two new dryers. Owen Estey of Tater Meal said that work had been delayed by delays in the shipment of necessary parts for the renovation. The renovations helped increase the plant’s capacity by about half.

25 Years Ago – August 18, 1999

Baby Beef auction — The 4-H Baby Beef show during the Northern Maine Fair at Presque Isle was a tremendous success, with local members placing well. Brittany Lundeen’s steer Reese’s was the Grand Champion and Taylor McLaughlin’s steer Teddy was reserve champion. The 4-H members must keep track of how much it costs them to raise their steer. When the animals are auctioned, the teen keeps any net profit. 

DARE graduate gave back — Ashley Sweetser was a fan of DARE long before she went through the substance abuse resistance program as a fifth-grader. She first learned about DARE, which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, at her childcare center from her friend Dan McCue, who was DARE officer Tim McCue’s son. Sweetser wanted to give money to the program then, but her parents, John and Debbie Sweetser thought three years old was a little early to start making donations. One day, Debbie Sweetser said she reminded her daughter about her long ago wish, and Ashley began saving money to give to DARE. She put aside her allowance earned from chores and birthday money. The day she graduated from DARE, she quietly gave McCue an envelope containing $100.Mars Hill scouts presented Rep. Kneeland with a plaque — The Mars Hill boyscouts and girlscouts presented Rep. Richard Kneeland with a plaque of appreciation at the party put on by the Easton Republican Committee at the Easton Elementary School cafeteria Aug. 8 to honor Kneeland on his receiving the 1999 Legislator of the Year Award.