Houlton From Our Files (week of July 12, 2017)

8 years ago

100 Years Ago – July 11, 1917

    Arrival Charles Cone of Calais, Arrived in town, Saturday, with six horses from his racing stables. Mr. Cone will take in Aroostook’s race circuit which opens here today.

    Visit Mr. James Skeehan Manager of the local Western Union Telegraph Office left Thursday on a two weeks’ leave of absence. He will visit his parents at Fitchburg, Mass.

75 Years Ago – July 9, 1942

    Tar streets Good news for autoists and dust-laden householders alike, issued today from the town office in the announcement that tarring of some of the Houlton streets will begin on Friday. While not all of the streets will receive treatment by any means, at least some relief from bumps and dust is forthcoming.Town manager Brackett said that Houlton has been allocated 12,500 gallons of asphalt.

    Lands safely Word has been received by Dr. and Mrs. Chauncey B. Benn of the arrival recently of their daughter, Second Lieutenant Alyce J. Benn, in Hawaii. Lt. Benn was the first Houlton nurse to enlist in the armed services.

50 Years Ago – July 12, 1967

    Winner Carlton Cameron of Oakfield received the keys to a 1967 Ford Mustang from Harold Valley, general chairman of the Houlton Fourth of July Celebration. James Seamans, commander of the Chester L. Briggs Post, American Legion, sponsors of the celebration. The new Mustang, given as a gate prize, is the first new car owned by Mr. Cameron, an employee of the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad.

    Gifts to the hospital Representatives of the auxiliary units to the two Houlton hospitals present checks to the hospital administrators, with the funds representing receipts from the first annual Charity Ball sponsored by the auxiliaries. Mrs. Wilford A. Virgie, president of the Madigan Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, presents a check to Sister Corinne, Madigan administrator, while Miss Helen A. Turney, administrator of the Aroostook General Hospital, receives a check from Mrs. Ruel L. Crawford, vice president of the AGH Free Bed and Aid Association.

25 Years Ago – July 8, 1992

   Celebration The 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dwyer of Oakfield was held at the Bethel Pentecostal Church on May 30,  hosted by their children, Joan, Sally, Peggy, Virgie, Judy, Paul and Beth. Over 200 friends and relatives attended the celebration.

   Selected — Skip Cleary, production supervisor, congratulated Richard Benn for being selected as Louisiana-Pacific’s employee of the month for June. Benn joined L-P in 1982 and has played a major role in the shipping department since 1985.