Ladies Auxiliary proudly supports firefighters, community

7 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Working somewhat behind the scenes during emergencies, but always on deck supporting the Star City’s firefighters or lending a hand with community events are the women of the Presque Isle Fire Department’s Ladies Auxiliary.

“The PIFD Ladies Auxiliary has been around for a long time. It’s a privilege to be able to help the community when we have the opportunity to do so,” auxiliary member Tania Baldwin said recently. “We have raised money and helped out many families and organizations over the years.”

The Presque Isle Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary’s main purpose is to assist the fire department’s full time and volunteer firefighters with hot meals and drinks during and after a fire or other serious emergencies, she said.

“When there’s a fire call in the middle of the night, the auxiliary will go early in the morning due to having children at home,” she said. “Our local grocery store, Star City IGA, has been very kind to us over the years, making donations so that we may provide hot breakfasts to those fighting fires.”

But the auxiliary members also raise money that goes toward food baskets and clothing for families in need, high school scholarships, the Red Cross, the victims of fires and other various needs within the local community.

Members of the auxiliary, who must have a significant other in the fire department to join, can be spotted assisting at PIFD open houses, the Balloon Festival and other community activities and fundraisers.