District plans dinner
The Central Aroostook Soil and Water Conservation District will hold their annual Awards Ceremony and Dinner on Thursday, Feb. 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the Grant Memorial United Methodist Church in Presque Isle. All landowners in the central Aroostook County area are invited to attend.
Featured this year will be awards for Conservation Farm of the Year to Stan and Gail Maynard of Orchard Hill Farm in Woodland and Forest Landowner of the Year to Arnold, Joyce, Bob and Kathy Davis of Bull Run Tree Farm in Presque Isle.
Juan Hernandez, state conservationist for the NRCS, will also give a presentation on irrigation issues and the role of NRCS in Aroostook County. Cost for the supper will be $15 per person. There will also be a raffle auction with donations from local vendors. Call 764-4153 ext. 130 to reserve a seat.