PIFD appreciates local support

Kathy McCarty, Special to The County
18 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – The Presque Isle Fire Department has been able to respond to winter emergencies on area snowmobile trails thanks to the generosity of Harry’s Motor Sports who’s provided the department with a sled to use during the season, at no charge. To thank the business, members of the department recently recognized its continued support.
    “This is the fourth year Harry’s has provided a sled to the department, free of charge,” said Darrell White, chief of the PIFD.
Harry’s continued the tradition this year by dropping off a 2005 snowmobile for the department to use in the event of a trail emergency.
“We provided them with a 2005 Arctic Cat Bearcat 570,” said Manager Jason Good.
Sometimes a snowmobile is the only way for first responders to reach victims involved in accidents that occur away from main roadways.
“We average two to three times a year using the sled on area trails,” said first responder and firefighter Grant Spinney.
The most notable was an accident nearly three years ago involving a young boy and an adult male who were involved in a crash on a local trail. Without a snowmobile, it would have taken rescue personnel even longer to reach the accident scene.
The snowmobile is also used to assist other agencies.
“We’ve assisted local law enforcement agencies in searches as well,” said White.
According to Spinney, the machine goes out about a half dozen times a year.
“It makes life easier for all involved,” said Grant.
Because the department has a budget to follow, the purchase of its own machine is an expense it just can’t afford right now.
“We couldn’t afford our own on our operating budget. We really appreciate the support we receive from Harry’s and its staff,” said White.
Harry’s Co-Owner John Alexander said it’s an investment in the community and one the business gladly makes.
“We do this to help the department better serve the community. We’re glad to be able to help,” said Alexander.