On a beautiful sunny day the Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club for their last meeting in February.
A delicious potluck luncheon was enjoyed by all. Mildred Gagnon won the 50/50 raffle.
President Alberta McDonald opened the business meeting with The Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute. All reports were read, discussed and accepted. February birthdays were recognized and members sang “Happy Birthday.”
The Star City Syndicate will be in concert at the Smyrna Merrill Historical Society on Saturday, March 2, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Admission will be $10, which includes soup and sandwiches. Come hear great music and enjoy a delicious meal.
Bingo was played after the meeting and several winners had their choice of gifts. It was fun.
Attending were: Arlene Friel, Marie Gillotti, Don and Charlotte Marley, Alberta McDonald, Jeanne Clements, Jann Votaw, George Barrow, Wannetta Townsend, Mildred Gagnon, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Jim and Helen Blois and Bernice Campbell.