
17 years ago

Spinney’s Color & Design Center in Presque Isle is much more than just a paint store.  With the generous response to their faux finish classes, the staff at Spinney’s have now pulled together to offer Aroostook County do-it-yourselfers aid in completing all of their summer and fall home improvement projects.
Twice a month, Spinney’s offers DIY Saturday, inviting the public to attend classes that encompass anything from techniques for hanging and finishing drywall, to simple and complex painting techniques that those attending can easily do in their own home. DIY Saturdays at Spinney’s are more than ordinary cookie-cutter technique classes, because the topics are not predetermined by staff members but rather are chosen by those who attend.
The morning class may deal with the proper way to prepare and cover exterior wood surfaces for protection from the elements, while those attending the afternoon session may discuss calculating the correct amount of paint product for a job, and then move on to a discussion and hands-on lesson about patching interior walls.
Grant Spinney, president of the company, states that he is “enthusiastic” about the principle he and his staff have built their DIY classes on, because no two classes will be the same. He said that, “DIY Saturdays are where your questions become our lessons.”
The public is invited to bring their home improvement questions to the next DIY Saturday on July 28 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., at Spinney’s Color & Design Center on the Houlton Road in Presque Isle, just south of the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center. Anyone with questions may call 764-1775 or visit spinneyscoloranddesigncenter.com for more information.