Museum tour
Members of the SAGE group, Seniors Acquiring Greater Education, recently spent some time at the Salmon Brook Historical Society house and barn. SAGE members enroll in classes for a month in the spring and another in the fall. Classes include various themes including: musicals, forestry conservation, an archeology road show and languages, even including Latin. The group also enjoys weekly learning excursions and their most recent field trip was to Washburn. They have also visited places including the Acadian Village in Van Buren; Tinker Falls hydro plant at Aroostook Junction, New Brunswick; and the Canadian Botanical Gardens.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
SAGE members attending the Washburn tour included: Lloyd Bragdon, Lorraine Harrison, Carolyn and Solomon Scott, Jane McEwen, Jeane Michaud, Bob Robinson, Pearl Carmichael, Priscilla and Gerald Gallagher, Claudette Christnot, Rod Lamoreau and Janet Snow.
SAGE members attending the Washburn tour included: Lloyd Bragdon, Lorraine Harrison, Carolyn and Solomon Scott, Jane McEwen, Jeane Michaud, Bob Robinson, Pearl Carmichael, Priscilla and Gerald Gallagher, Claudette Christnot, Rod Lamoreau and Janet Snow.
Their tour guides were Tim O’Donnell, Jack Phelan and Shirley Churchill.
Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Heather Ingersoll, Dan Martin, Becky Sperrey, Jodi Goodine, Brianna Krupienski, Janet Doak, Cameron Huston, Kyle Huston, Rodney Bouchey, Chris Tupper, Todd Hitchcock, Jody McNeal, Lucky Bragg, Scott Ireland, Scott Bennett, Wade McLaughlin, Ivan Corey, James Cray, Jean Gabourie, Nykita Emery, Pam Haley, Sharon Burchett, Noah Farley, Becky Doody, Joey Brinkman, Dan Abbott, Russell Scott, Kristy Soucier, Pat Baker, Blake Hatt, Kerry Kennedy, Tyler Farley, Tracy Whitten, Mimi Rossignol and Daniel Jackson.
Anniversary wishes go out to: Lendal and Edwyna Mills, Darin and Heather Ingersoll, Owen and Margaret Allen, Nick and Andrea Pesut, David and Sally Bartlett, and Jerome and Erika Churchill.
The Salmon Brook Historical Society will be holding their quarterly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 27, at the Washburn Civic Center starting at 6:30 p.m.
There will be a potluck supper followed by a business meeting. Please bring a main dish or dessert and your place setting. A special program will follow, featuring country music entertainment by Warner and Friends. Bring your friends, family and neighbors, all are welcome.
Events at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse include a TOPS meeting each Monday starting with weigh-in at 4:15 p.m. with the meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For further information, contact Birdena Cochran at 455-8353. Bingo games are held each Tuesday at 7 p.m.
There will be a meeting of the Perham Planning Board the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Perham Town Hall.
The Wade Natural Resources Committee will meet at the Washburn Memorial Library at 6 p.m.
The deadline of Sept. 15 for the removal of memorial items at the area Washburn cemeteries has passed. Residents are asked to act promptly to retrieve `any of the items they would like to save.
There are plenty of Property Tax and Rent Refund application forms available at the Town Office.
There is a good supply of fall and winter clothing available at the Civic Center. All are in very good condition and items range from coats and sweaters to warm slacks and outerwear.
The fire department is still in the process of gathering surveys concerning a hopeful CDBG – Community Development Block Grant. If you haven’t completed a survey, please stop by the Town Office and fill one out.
Remember to get you tickets for Rotary’s annual Hunter’s Breakfast, scheduled to be held on Saturday, Oct. 27, from 4:30 to 8:30 a.m. at the Washburn Civic Center. Breakfast tickets are selling for $5 and each ticket makes the purchaser eligible for a grand door prize drawing of one night and three meals for two adults at Moose Point Camps on Fish River Lake, donated by owner John Martin. There will also be a raffle held with tickets selling at $2 each or three for $5, and the first prize is a Remington Model 700 with Weaver Scope and carrying case, donated by the Rotary; and second prize is 100 gallons of fuel oil donated by Perham Oil and will be deliverable within a 30-mile radius. Ticket holders for these raffle tickets and the grand door prize winners do not need to be present to win.
Also note that Washburn Rotary will be meeting at other locations for the next two Wednesdays, including a visit to the Caribou Weather Station and one to the Boy Scout camp in Washburn. For further information, contact any Rotarian. Officers for the current Rotary year are: President Cindy Richendollar, Vice President Ellen Fitzsimmons, Secretary Stuart Turner and Treasurer Peggy Bugbee.
Child’s bunny found
Sometimes children have special bedtime pets, and a well-loved little white stuffed bunny was recently found. It was located on the Caribou Lake Road at the top of the hill just before the Coffin Road. The bunny is a ‘dusty’ white with a very light pink ribbon. The owner can claim the pet by calling 455-8034.
Special attention needed
There is a special Hamburger Helper grant available for the town that residents can assist in the town’s efforts to receive. By visiting the site on the Web, at, going to the ‘find a project’ link(it’s number four on the page), entering in Maine, then Washburn, hit ‘search’ and that will bring up the Mill Pond Park Project. At the bottom find ‘add a comment in support,’ and do it – it’s just as easy as that. This is an important part of the grant process, and residents and others can earn their points for their community with their positive comments concerning the Mill Pond Park Project and help towards receiving a park grant of $15,000. This is a simple and safe site and all positive comments are needed to assist Washburn in its efforts to obtain the grant. The comments must be received before the Sept. 30 deadline. All area residents are urged to participate.
Rec Center notes
Men’s basketball will be held at the elementary school gym on Monday Oct. 1. The group will be returning to the high school gym on Monday, Oct. 8, starting at 6:30 p.m.
On Thursday, Sept. 27, there will be a rollerskating trip to Caribou for grades K through 8. The cost is $3.50 and includes the skates. To rent rollerblades, an addition $2 will be charged.
On Saturday, Sept. 29, there will be round-robin soccer games for grades 5 and 6 held at Fort Fairfield. For further information on any Rec Center programs, contact Director Marcie Barbarula at 455-4959.