Caribou area From our Files – Week of July 3, 2024

4 months ago

120 Years Ago – July 7, 1904

Repairs being made — Workmen are now busy making extensive repairs on the store formerly occupied by Ellis Green as a clothing store preparatory to the occupancy by  H. O. Spencer as a jewelry store.

A large barn erected — Milo Whittier, one of Caribou’s progressive farmers, has erected a large barn 56 by 42 feet with a basement. He has recently had telephone connections put in his residence, which overlooks the village of Caribou and affords a fine view.

115 Years Ago – July 8, 1909

Come see a great attraction — M. W. Hamlin of Milo has set up a tent on Sweden street between the studio of G. L. Doe and the Aroostook Trust & Banking Co., and has on exhibition a mechanical contrivance which her terms, and with the perfect propriety, ‘Life’s Arena.’ We were shown this original invention this morning and it will well repay all to visit this tent. The attraction which required two years of constant study and work, involving the expenditure of a large sum of money in the making, presents figures representing almost every avocation in life. The shoemaker mending a shoe, an automobile stopping at a house, the servant coming to the door, soon followed by another lady who gets into the automobile, a machine shop with men performing different tasks, carpenters, barber shop, etc. There is also the Boston subway well illustrated, but perhaps the best figure of all is the young man taking his young lady for a canoe ride, the paddle dipping into the water with perfect life-like reality. The exhibition is open from one to five o’clock and seven to ten. Monday next the Arena will be open all day. The admission is ten cents, and it is well worth it to see the figures, even when not in operation, the whole being operated by electricity.

100 Years Ago – July 3, 1924

Raising money — Through the efforts of Mrs. Chas. A. Hackett a purse of $50 has been raised, which has been turned over to Miss Eva Scates, manager of the Caribou branch of the LIttle Wanderers Home, who will use the money to buy the necessary clothing for some local children. Should any of the funds be left after the purchase of the clothing, it will be used to provide food for the family.

Continuing nursing education — Miss Ursula Mary Vaillaincourt, daughter of Mr. John Vaillaincourt, Farmington, has just become a student in the Training School for Attendant Nurses conducted by the Household Nursing association in Boston. After six weeks theoretical training at the school, Miss Vaillaincourt will go to one of the greater Boston Hospitals for 26 weeks of practical training and experience. At the end of that time she will be graduated as an attendant nurse and may then be enrolled in the Household Nursing Association Registry which furnishes cases for graduates. Miss Vaillaincourt formerly resided in Caribou, and her friends here are glad to hear of her progress. 

75 Years Ago – July 7, 1949

Renovated A & P Store to have a grand opening here next Wednesday — A completely renovated, streamlined ‘store of tomorrow’ will open its doors here next Wednesday morning, when W. B. Burns, town manager, cuts the ribbon to the entrance of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. store on Washburn and Vaughan avenues. In addition to the town manager, several company officials and a representative of the local Chamber of Commerce will be present to witness the grand opening of a store equipped with the latest lighting, fixtures and conveniences that go for making shopping less drudgery and more of a pleasure. Tom O;Donnell, supervisor of A & P stores in Aroostook county explained that no remnants of the ‘old store’ will be visible to the public. The walls have been covered with marlite, a tile-like surfacing, and are topped off with a soft green border. The former narrow shelves have been replaced with modern bracket-type shelves which are not only deeper, but are illuminated with fluorescent lights to help customers make easier selections. Among the personnel in charge of the store, or of the various departments are: Albert Tardy, manager; Basil Chapman, meat department; Philip Cyr, produce; and John Phelan, dairy.

Work begins at the new Auto Bureau site — Preliminary work has already been started in Caribou for construction of a new building to house the State automobile registration bureau which is now operating at the Nylander museum. Although the cost has been fully determined, it is estimated that approximately $36,000 will be spent to erect a two-story building, exclusive of the lot. By the end of next week, work is expected to be in full swing. The 37 x 52 cinder block and brick building will be located on the corner lot at Prospect and Herschel streets. 

25 Years Ago – July 7, 1999

For the Veterans — A new rose planted on Thursday at the Caribou Veterans Center as part of a nationwide event honoring America’s veterans will eventually find a home at the proposed veteran’s cemetery. The Veterans Honor Hybrid Tea Rose is a dark red hybrid rose with dark green, semi-glossy leaves. The rose has a light raspberry fragrance and its blooms open to a large flower with a high centered bud. The bush will gow about four feet high and five feet wide. The new rose was developed under the personal recommendation of U.S. Under Secretary for Health Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer. On hand for the planting ceremony were representatives from the Vietnam Veterans of America, Ashland American Veterans Post 49, the Purple Heart Organization, the Maine Veterans Home, Caribou American Legion Post 15, Caribou Veterans of Foreign War Post 9389 and Sen. John Baldacci’s office. Bid wins old bank building — The former County Federal Credit Union building on Sawyer Road, near the West Gate, ws sold in an auction last week. The prospective buyer, Allan MacKinnon, made the successful bid with a plan in mind to use the bank space as a residence and guest house for business consultants. MacKinnon is president of INDUX,  a company who announced plans last fall to manufacture through-the-wall ventilation units at Loring Commerce Center. The company has been waiting on a financial package since December. He plans to renovate the bank to include four bedrooms, though he said the first thing that needs to be done is to build a shower.