Houlton area From our Files – Week of September 11, 2024

Compiled by Breanna Maples, Special to The County
2 months ago

75 Years Ago – August 30, 1949

Sherman Mills Farmer Named Maine Green Pastures Winner — Beverly Rand, Sherman Mills dairy farmer, was named Maine winner of the 1949 New England Green Pastures Contest by a six member judging committee following lengthy discussions at the Northland Hotel Thursday night, Clement Dunning, assistant county agent of the Houlton office announced. The committee on a tour of the New England states judging state winners were entertained at the Northland Hotel Thursday night by the Aroostook County Farm Bureau.

Houlton Takes Share of Honors At Aroostook Riding Club Show — Houlton and Southern Aroostook county towns took their share of the honors at the Aroostook Riding Club benefit Amateur Horse Show and Rodeo held at the Northern Maine Fairgrounds in Presque Isle Saturday. The show attracted nearly 800 people. Plenty of spills and thrills were witnessed as the Folsom Brothers of the Lazy A Ranch in Monticello sponsored a rodeo. The show started at one o’clock with a grand parade. More than 70 horses from seven Aroostook towns were entered in the parade. The Bridgewater group was named winner of the parade and was awarded a trophy. Larry Folsom of Monticello was awarded first prize and Richard Riley of Houlton second in the Junior Western Horsemanship contest. Ponies in hand; second Gail Folsom of Monticello and third Steve Bradstreet, Bridgewater.

50 Years Ago – September 11, 1974

Girls Soccer Is Underway — The Recreation Department, always trying to come up with new activities for girls in Houlton, has started a girls soccer program. The first night of practice 15 girls showed up, the second night 40 turned out. The girls range in age from 11-16 years. They have been split into two groups. Yvonne Feeney has Team 1 and Pat Mathews, Team 2.

Smith Elected Faculty Rep To Ricker Trustees — The Chairman of the Ricker College Psychology Department has been elected a trustee to the school. He is Eugene Smith who has been on the Ricker College faculty for the past two years. As a faculty representative to the Board of Trustees, Dr. Smith will serve as trustee for one year. He is 34 years old and received his PhD in Psychology from the University of New Mexico in 1970. Dr. Smith is married and is a native of Long Island, New York.

25 Years Ago – September 15, 1999

Pioneer Times Wins Awards — The Houlton Pioneer Times and its staff won two awards last weekend at the Better Newspaper Contest. The annual contest, featuring entries from throughout the state, is sponsored by the Maine Press Association, an industry organization of which the Pioneer Times is a member. The Pioneer Times was honored in the following categories in its division, which was weekly newspapers with over 5,000 in circulation: Second Place in Front Page Design to Scott Johnson and the rest of the staff for excellence and creativity in front-page design. Honorable Mention in the Best Sports Section category for the efforts of Sports Editor Gloria Austin.

Tablestock Faring Well This Season — It looks to be another good year for seed and tablestock potatoes, but process growers are suffering from a lack of rain these past few weeks. Adre Chalou, farm manager for Harrison Farms in Presque Isle, said 50 acres had been harvested before this week, mostly Red Norlands. The remainder of the farm’s 1,400 acres will be harvested beginning this week, he said. While the reds and round whites are looking good, the same can’t be said for the 200 acres of Russet Burbanks, Chalou said. Russets need a lot of rain at the end of their growing season, which did not happen this summer.