Rocking ‘round the clock at GHCA

16 years ago

    The GHCA Intermediate Band  held rock-a-thon on  October 3 at the Greater Houlton Christian Academy to help raise money for the music program.
ImageROCK ON – GHCA students, from left, Kaylee Greenier, Myra Barns, and Emily Little played Guitar Hero during a recent rock-a-thon to earn money for the music program.
     The event raised money for band uniforms, the purchase of an instrument for the band, as well as funds to be used for the band trip to Massachusetts in May.
    "I thought that the rock-a-thon was a fun way to raise money,” said sophomore Hannah Emery. “It was funny to see how people dealt with staying up all night.”
    Students brought their own rocking chairs and had to rock in their chair for 50 minutes with a 10-minute break each hour for 15 hours (until 8a.m. the next morning) in the GHCA gym.
    "It was an awesome way to raise money, and to hang out with all of our band friends,” said another sophomore KayLee Greenier. “ It was nice to spend all night playing video games. We all had an awesome time.”
    To help pass time away, students watched movies, the Red Sox game and played guitar hero, Xbox and Play Station games, chair dodge ball, and much more.
ImageBARELY AWAKE — Senior classman Chris Morin had the Red Sox game to help him stay awake until the 15-hour Rock-A-Thon was over at Greater Houlton Christian Academy. The Oct. 3 event raised funds for the school’s music program.
    Senior Chris Morin said, “I really enjoyed watching the Red Sox game on T.V. It is fun to be a part of a group of people who enjoy playing their instruments in band and working together to make our goals become a reality."
    And seventh-grader Jordan Cummings agreed.
    The rock-a-thon was awesome,” he said. “I had tons of fun. I didn't sleep at all that whole night. I loved playing chair dodgeball and being part of an awesome band.”
    For Music Director Stan Harris, “It was an awesome experience to see each student believe in their school enough to dedicate their time with their peers in band. "It is very rewarding to me to see us work together musically and socially as a team.”
    Though it was a fun time, junior Emily Little believes the group gained an extra benefit.
    “The rock-a-thon was definitely a fun way to raise funds for our band. We not only had fun, but we got to know one another better.”