Municipal notes
There will be an August Festival Committee meeting held on Wednesday, June 18, at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Center. Any interested resident is urged to attend.
In one of their efforts to make conscious decisions to cut costs in preparation for this coming winter, the Washburn Town Office is going to do a trial run of new office hours for the month of June. The office will be open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. closing from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for lunch.
On Monday, June 16, at 6 p.m. there will be an informational meeting concerning the Mill Pond Park Trail. The National Trail Association Representative Burnham Martin will be conducting this meeting, and all interested residents are urged to attend.
The next Washburn Town Council meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June 30, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center. Please note that this is a change in meeting dates.
Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Cyndi Lyon, Sean Libby, Jennifer Thompson, Cheri Boedecker, Tom Humphrey, Jason Clark, Heidi DuMont, Tina St. John, Mikey Cyr, Herman Doody, Diana Bragg, Cheri DeJohn, Richard McCrossin, Arlene Cole, Megan Seward, Debbie Corey, Eric Harvath, Margaret Wallace, Bonnie Lavway, Casey Maynard, Clayton Corey, Lorinda Duncan, Andrew Blackstone, Naomi Aegerter, MacKenzie McCrum, Bobbi Jo Hebert, Everett Merchant, Wilda Goodall and Alexis Bell.
Those celebrating anniversaries this week include: A. John and Debbie Drost, Russ and Gail Woodman, Snuffy and Joyce Pinette, Dan and Leslie Martin, Jeff and Cheryl Wark, Mike and Jennifer Tupper, John and Beth Veeneman, Jim and Dawn Rowbotham, David and Penny Rand, Leon and Angel Howe, Tony and Shari Hatch and Gene and Londa Brown.
Rec summer programs
School’s out and the summer programs for the Washburn Rec Center will start on Monday, June 23. The schedule booklets have been sent out through the schools. If you haven’t received yours yet, contact Marcie at 455-4959 during regular hours or leave her a message.
The programs offered include: Cooking, Arts and Crafts, T-Ball, Soccer, Basketball, Minor League Baseball, Major League Baseball, Jr. Softball, Pony League Baseball and Hershey Track and Field.
There will be several special events throughout the summer including a County Fun Day and an Outdoor Adventure Camp. These programs will be listed in a Rec Center calendar each week in this column. Each Friday there will be Field Trip Days where the participants get to travel the county to see and take part in various fun events. There will also be an end-of-the-year BBQ.
The summer breakfast and lunch programs will also begin on Monday, June 23, at the elementary school cafeteria. Breakfast is from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meals are free for anyone age 18 and younger, and adults may purchase their meals and the price will be available by June 23.
For further information on any of these programs, please contact Marcie at 455-4959.
Camp Nomacca schedule
The summer season is coming nearer and it’s time to check out the camping offered to young people in our area. Camp Nomacca on the Parsons Road in Mapleton will begin their camping season with a Junior Camp to be held from Monday, June 30 through Friday, July 4. This camp is open for ages 8, 9, 10 or youth entering grades 3-5. The director is Melissa Flewelling. Intermediate Camp will be open from Monday, July 7 through Friday, July 11, and is for ages 11, 12 13 or those entering grades 6-8. The director is Sam Cobb. Senior Camp will be held from Monday, July 14 through Saturday, July 19. This camp is for ages 14 – 18 or students entering grades 9-12 and the camp director is Terry Smith. Camp fees are $145 and registrations will be held at the camp from 10 a.m. to noon on the Monday the camp begins.
There will also be a special Day Camp held on July 5 for age 7 or students entering grade 2. The registration for this event will be held at the camp on July 5 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Eagle Scout Award
Kyle Woodbrey, son of Kevin and Vicki Woodbrey, recently earned the coveted and highest rank of Eagle Scout for his efforts in Troop 800, of Raymond. He is the grandson of Bernadette and the late Donat Rossignol, of Washburn, and Dr. and Mrs. Henry Woodbrey, of Orono.
The Court of Honor was held on Saturday, April 26, and after welcoming, opening remarks and the Invocation, Kyle’s father, Kevin Woodbrey, spoke of the Eagle Scout Trail. Kyle’s brother Erik presented statistics about the future of Eagle Scouts including the fact that only four Scouts in one hundred go on to become an Eagle Scout. This is a tradition in the Woodbrey-Rossignol family, and Kyle’s uncle, Bob Rossignol, also earned the Eagle Scout Award from Washburn’s Troop 177.
After a reading of the requirements for the Eagle Award, Kyle was given the Eagle Scout Challenge and Charge. Their Troop Advancement Char presented Kyle his Eagle certificate, and his leader for five years presented his Eagle candle to him again seven years after the first time she presented it to him at his crossover ceremony.
Kevin Woodbrey and Erik were part of the ceremony with Kevin pinning Kyle and then Kyle pinned both his parents, Kevin and Vicki Woodbrey.
A slide show of Kyle’s Scouting experiences was shown, and his project was detailed. Kyle’s project was to build a new sign for the town of Raymond, used for meeting announcements and located near the Town Office. The sign has a back-lit manual reader board and a lit town logo on top. Kyle had spent countless hours learning the AutoCAD and Microsoft project and he also created an Eagle Scout project book including drawings, material and a tools list as well as the project plan. Many volunteers aided Kyle with his project including his father and brother, a cousin, as well as the town’s Public Works Department. All went together to provide a much-needed informational sign for the community.
Kyle is a graduating senior at Windham High School and plans to attend the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York this fall.
Some special visitors came north to enjoy a four-day visit with friends and family. Eric Creasey, son of Dixon Creasey Jr. of Aurora, Ind., and Linda Creasey of Watertown, Mass. Creasey, along with a friend, Larry Luster, and his dog Bum jug, aka Buddy, live in Boston and came to Aroostook in a fine-looking 1982 Corvette.
They spent four days visiting grandparents Dixon Sr., (Skip) and Autumn Creasey. They also got to visit with Eric’s uncle Dan Creasey and his wife and daughter Dapheen and Sonja. They also tried to get in a visit with his Uncle Dion Creasey, but schedules didn’t mesh.
Eric was born in Washburn and remembers finding some crawfish when he was little, and they found some around the area riverbanks near their old home beside McCain’s and near the Thomas Brewer Park in Washburn.
The pair will be returning to Massachusetts for a couple of weeks before heading out to California and all points west along the way. They’ll be traveling Route 80 but also hope to check out the famous Route 66 as well.
Help from emergency agencies
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Maine Emergency Management Agency and the Small Business Loan Administration are available to assist area flood victims.
It is important for all to know that the advertised 2-1-1 number is just for information and is not a place where victims are automatically registered for loans or grants. To register for assistance you must phone 800-621-FEMA (3362) or apply online at To be considered for all forms of disaster assistance, homeowners, renters and businesses should first call the FEMA toll-free number at 800-FEMA (3362). Additional details of the loan application process can be obtained by phone the SBA Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Monday-Friday or visit their Web site at The deadline to apply for assistance or to file an SBA loan application is Tuesday, July 8.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
On the road again! – Easton residents attending a joint BBQ between Easton and Washburn senior citizens were: Marie Hewitt, Ida Doak, Glenais Craig, Margery Niblett, Bernard Hussey, Lindy Fowler, Nina Trask, Ezlee Smith, Rena Richardson and Arlene Ladner of Easton. Those attending from Washburn included: Evelyn Woodman, Gwen Bragg, Anita Dickinson, Norma Baker, Glenna Ewing, Eunice Carman, Arline Cole, Wilda Goodall, Glenna Bragg, Drusilla Turner, Lorraine Harrison, Fran Dickinson, Margaret Barker, C.C. Rossignol, Barbara McLaughlin, Sylvia Wardwell, Audrey Pavlick and Wesley Nelson.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
Kyle Woodbrey was recently promoted to Eagle Scout. Woodbrey, of Raymond, is the grandson of Bernadette and the late Donat Rossignol, of Washburn.
Photo courtesy of Willa Beals
MEMORIAL DAY services were held in Westfield, Mars Hill, Blaine, Robinson and Bridgewater on May 26. Pictured at one of the services are members of the Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield American Legion, from left: Dana Beals; Ralph Donahue; Chris Cronkite; Robert Craig; James Wiggins; Ray Jones; Mark Jones; Ronald Gallop; Paul Young; Donald Anderson; Dwayne Hatfield; Keith McKeen, chaplain; Rod Collins, commander; and Kay McKeen, who played “Taps.”