Staff Writer
After a lengthy period of time, countless meetings, public hearings and presentations, communities in this area finally got to voice their opinions on the referendum regarding school consolidation. The result of a state mandate requiring Maine schools to form RSUs (Reorganized School Units), school administrations and communities have been struggling to put together plans acceptable to the state education officials while at the same time appeasing the concerns of concerned residents, parents and teachers.
Eight schools in this area were combined in an RSU Plan, accepted by the state. After last week’s referendum vote, only three communities voted to enter the consolidated unit. With these three schools voting to enter the new consolidated unit, the plan passed.
The RSU Plan initially included Caribou, Limestone, Fort Fairfield, Caswell, Woodland, Stockholm, New Sweden and Westmanland. Of these eight schools, Caribou, Limestone and Stockholm voted to join the RSU with the remaining five opting to sustain their own identity and face the state penalties or seek an alternative RSU Plan.
“This is a very positive vote for the communities involved,” stated Superintendent of Caribou Schools, Frank McElwain. “We are in compliance with the law, we will avoid the penalties and we will be eligible for future construction funds. The relationship between the Caribou, Limestone and Stockholm schools has moved to another level.”
McElwain also commented that as a result of the consolidation, administration offices and personnel would be centralized but initially there were to be no changes on the school level regarding current operations. In the future, if enrollments decrease and economic issues continue to be a factor changes will be necessary, however each school will be represented on the new RSU school board by members of their own community.
“This is a positive move for these school districts,” McElwain said.
Voting results included: Caribou with 6,500 registered voters showed poll results of 278 Yes/86 No; Fort Fairfield with 2,423 registered voters polling 31 Yes/404 No; Limestone with 1,005 registered voters had 150 Yes/44 No; New Sweden with approximately 523 registered voters voted 54 Yes/93 No; Woodland with an estimated 1,000 registered voters resulted in 107 Yes/ 115 No.
Stockholm voted to join the RSU, no polling numbers were available at press time.
Westmanland and Caswell residents voted against the referendum. no polling numbers were immediately available.