Caribou considers becoming state’s third Second Amendment Sanctuary city
Caribou City Council will consider declaring the city a Second Amendment Sanctuary during its next regular meeting March 8.
Caribou City Council will consider declaring the city a Second Amendment Sanctuary during its next regular meeting March 8.
A Fort Fairfield family law magistrate has been named as one of Governor Janet Mills’ six candidates for Maine District Court judge.
Senate President Troy Jackson of Allagash and House Speaker Ryan Fecteau of Biddeford will hold a tele-town hall to discuss the COVID-19 Patient Bill of Rights at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 27.
bluShift Aerospace, an aerospace startup based in Brunswick, said Tuesday that plans to launch a 20-foot-tall, 14-inch-diameter prototype rocket at the Loring Commerce Center in Limestone have been delayed.
The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s Maine Forest Service on Nov. 19 reported evidence of spread of emerald ash borer within regulated areas of Maine, including in Aroostook County.
Invasive pests can hitchhike in or on wreaths and holiday plants destined for friends and families or they can hide in or on firewood brought from another state or Maine location to light a holiday fire.
The Maine Warden Service is now hiring seasonal Deputy Game Wardens.
Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap is advising motorists to be aware of vehicle registration deadlines, as Gov. Janet Mills has issued an updated executive order regarding those requirements, which had previously been altered in response to office closures due to the pandemic response.
If you are interested in deer conservation, then this initiative is just for you. The 2021 deer initiative is focused on improving winter habitat conditions for white-tailed deer that occur within the northern limits of their range — Aroostook and Washington counties.
Oral rabies vaccine baits will be distributed in northeastern Maine beginning on or about Aug. 3 through Aug. 7 as part of ongoing, cooperative rabies control efforts aimed at reducing the spread of raccoon rabies in Maine.