To the editor:
Someone knows but no one says, who it was that spray paints our parks and destroys things of beauty, but someone knows and no one says.
Someone knows but no one says, why our teens act rude and wild, and drive without a thought for the safety of others. Someone knows, but no one says.
Someone knows but no one says, who it is that sells drugs to our children, and don't think it won't touch your family. But someone knows and no one says.
Until the need to stay anonymous outweighs the need to help the community, then we can expect only more of the same. When denial gives way to acceptance that there is a problem in our town, then and only then will we be able to be a part of the solution. Because, staying quiet, fearful or politically correct not only encourages more negative behavior, but it also does a disservice to the wrongdoer by denying them the help they are crying out for.
Yes, one day, soon I hope, someone who knows will be the someone who says. It's up to you my friends; one of you knows who is destroying and defacing public property, selling drugs or driving wild through our streets and parks in Houlton. If you are the someone who knows, will you also be the someone who says?
Gregg Scott