Voices added to commentary

16 years ago

To the editor:
    The recent and extremely unfair dismissal of Caribou High School teacher Kirsten Albair came as such a horrible shock to my family and me! My daughter is a former student of Kirsten’s and rates her among the favorite teachers who helped shape her life. I became acquainted with Kirsten during those parent-teacher conferences from a few years back and can attest to her strong moral character. This is a woman who would never be guilty of what she was accused of.    The accuser has taken something out of context and spun it around in (her) web of deceit. I applaud both Larry Thibodeau, for his letter to the editor, and Douglas Christensen, for his commentary “From Pokey Point Pond”, and we add our voices to theirs. An injustice was done here under the cloak of darkness and false pretense!
    How could one student, backed up by her parents and a few cohorts, control the principal, the superintendent and school board?
    We are left disgusted by this recent power play and by the upheaval it has caused to Kirsten Albair. Perhaps it is time to clean house here and fire the principal, the superintendent and the entire school board, and replace them all by persons who are not easily swayed!

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jordan