The advantages of recycling

16 years ago

    Recent news reports on television and in the print media have brought to light the rapid decline in the value of recyclable waste that has occurred in the last two months. The recyclable materials collected by nearly every community in the State and sold to mills as raw material for their product have taken major hits in market prices. The same worldwide economic downturn that has affected the stock market and banks has also affected the recycling industry.     All of those materials that you set out in Blue Bags for your waste hauler or deliver to the Recycling Center end up being sold by the City to various mills. For several years, revenues received from the sale of our old newspaper, cardboard, magazines, office paper, plastics, and cans have been much higher than most of the preceding years. Demand was high for our recyclables, particularly metal, because China has been building infrastructure for the Olympic games and for its own population.
    Recyclables are no different than many other consumable products. The price received has much to do with supply and demand. When China was buying, the mills in North America had to pay more to get recyclables for themselves because of the high demand. Now with people buying fewer products globally, there is less demand for those products and, therefore, less demand for the materials that go into those products.
    Despite the drop in the prices that we receive for the recyclables that we market, be assured that our recycling program will continue. The bottom line is that anything that is not diverted to the Recycling Center ends up in the Landfill. A landfill has only so much space and is expensive to build and operate. Every time you recycle, the life of the landfill is extended, which is worth tax dollars.
    If you aren’t recycling, now is a perfect time to start. Recycling has many advantages that include extending the life of the landfill, preserving natural resources, minimizing the impact on our environment, and is a source of revenue for the City. We are also very proud to have employed clients from the Work Opportunity Center since the first day our recycling program started in 1990.
    If you are already recycling, we truly appreciate your efforts. If you haven’t yet started, now is your chance to be part of the solution. Give recycling a try. If you have your trash picked up at the curb, contact your waste hauler for recycling information and Blue Bags that will be provided to you at no cost. If you use the Transfer Station for waste disposal, recyclables can be dropped off there free of charge. Recyclables can also be dropped off by the public in containers located at City Hall, Mapleton Town Office, Washburn Town Office, and the Landfill.
    If you have questions or need Blue Bags, please contact the Solid Waste Department at 764-2512. Also, please contact us if you or your group would like a tour of the Recycling Center to see how we process your recyclables.
    Dana Fowler is Solid Waste Director for the city of Presque Isle.