Citizen for Michaud

14 years ago

Citizen for Michaud

To the editor:
    I will be voting for proven quality come Nov. 2. Mike Michaud, hardworking, effective, self-confident (but not self-important), friendly, accessible, moderately conservative, yet compassionate, typifies Maine values and will get my vote. 

    Coming home from Washington practically every weekend, Mike stays in close contact with the citizens of his district. He has secured multifaceted assistance to Maine veterans. He offered the bill which created the Northern Border Regional Commission, thus providing federal funds for economic development and job creation in economically distressed areas of our region. As co-founder and chair of the House Trade Working Group, Mike is working hard to guarantee fair trade and to protect American jobs.
    Mike’s efforts has secured funding in the amount of $10 million to help keep the freight rail service operating in northern Maine for businesses crucial to Aroostook. And he is always doing his best to assist Maine seniors. In fact, I want to thank Mike personally for his vote for the health care legislation, which will help seniors like me who are on Medicare, as well as children with preexisting conditions and many students.
    Mike is also co-sponsor of the legislation which provides $250 to seniors on Social Security to offset the lack of a COLA increase. These are but a few of his accomplishments. Mike has proven himself worthy of our support. Please join me on Nov. 2 and vote for Mike Michaud.

Carolyne Mahany