Kiwanis Moose Poop Palooza a smash
By Kathy McCarty
PRESQUE ISLE — A new and unusual fundraiser was deemed a success, following the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club’s Moose Poop Palooza, held on the closing day of the state firefighters’ convention.
Photo courtesy of Kathie Beaulieu
DUNG DUMPING — A PIFD firefighter dumps numbered moose dung onto a target, as part of the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club’s Moose Poop Palooza. The event took place Sept. 12.
The event took place Sunday, Sept. 12, at the fairgrounds and involved numbered moose dung being dropped from the Presque Isle Fire Department’s ladder truck onto a target on the asphalt below, with the numbered piece closest to the target declared the winner. Planning for the event began last winter.
“Kiwanis members collected moose poop throughout the winter, then sorted, with 600 nuggets spray painted with several coats of brown paint. The nuggets were then numbered and covered with shellac,” said Kiwanis member Kathie Beaulieu.
Kiwanis members then sold tickets numbered to correspond with the numbers on the moose poop nuggets.
“The nuggets were dropped from the truck during the 47th annual Maine State Federation of Firefighters Convention. Prizes ranged from $60 to $600 and were awarded for the numbered nuggets which fell closest to the target,” said Beaulieu.
According to Beaulieu, the idea came from a Kiwanis Club in Alaska and was used by the Presque Isle club to celebrate its 60th anniversary.
Photo courtesy of Kathie Beaulieu
MEASURING the distance between numbered moose dung and the target during the Kiwanis Club’s Moose Poop Palooza event – which took place at the end of the Maine State Federation of Firefighters Convention on Sept. 12 at the fairgrounds – are, from left, volunteers Rodney Merium and Tibby Caron. The numbered dung was sold individually, with the piece closest to the target winning its ‘owner’ a prize.
“A portion of the money collected was donated to the Presque Isle volunteer firefighters group. Other local donations will be made with the remainder,” said Beaulieu.
Taking home the top prize of $600 was Marilyn Beaulieu. Second- and third-place winners Walter St. Peter and Kelley White each won $160. Rose-Marie Louten took home $60 for her fourth-place finish, as did Sue Fox and Sharon Dorsey for finishing fifth and sixth, respectively.