By Joseph Cyr
Staff Writer
WESTON — The body of a 33-year-old Linneus man who drowned in Deering Lake June 28 evening, was recovered by a Maine Warden Service diving team early June 29.
The drowning victim, identified as Leslie Sawyer, was recovered in about 17 feet of water at approximately 10 a.m. The body was transported to the Medical Examiner’s office and was later released to his family.
According to Edie Smith, director of information and education for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Cheryl Sawyer, 32, also of Linneus, was also in the boat and tried to save Leslie Sawyer by holding on to him.
“She held the male subject afloat as long as she could before letting go of his body,” Smith said.
Neither individual had on personal flotation devices, nor could Mr. Sawyer swim, according to reports. The Sawyers were staying at a friend’s camp and took a Jon boat out around 9 p.m. Mr. Sawyer was driving the boat and took a hard left, causing the boat to take on water, according to reports.
A Jon boat is a flat-bottomed vessel made of wood or aluminum that is often used by fishermen and hunters.
Alcohol was a factor, according to wardens. The Maine Warden Service also strongly urges boaters to wear pfd’s at all times and to not drive impaired.
“There has been a determination that contributing factors at this point of the investigation appear to be alcohol related and the fact that the victim was not wearing a pfd (personal flotation device),” Smith said.
According to Warden Service Lt. Tom Ward, “this tragic accident could have been prevented.”
Sgt. Dan Menard of the Maine Warden Service was in charge of the recovery, which lasted about one hour. Maine Game Warden Kevin Pelkey led the recovery effort. Due to the inclement weather, the Maine Warden Service airplane was not able to participate in the search; however, Danforth Fire and Rescue assisted wardens.