Town reports due
by Jennifer Buzza
The Town Office is requesting reports and/or photos from department directors, board directors, local clubs, organizations, queens and others wishing to be included in the 2012 Town Report.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, Feb. 1. Those submitting reports and photos are encouraged to send them as an attachment through e-mail to If you have any questions, contact Tammy Getchell at the Town Office at 764-3754.
Birthday wishes this week go out to Brooke Carney, Gladys Brewer, Pam McEachern, Bailee Getchell, Emily Carter, Terri Allen, Holly Vigue, Ernie Boykin, Brian Copeland, Barrett Potter, Ellie Clark, Donald Gilson Sr., Melissa Dyer and Erwin Elliott.
Happy anniversary this week to Darcy and Bob McBay on the 17th!
Chapman Ridge Runners
The Chapman Ridge Runners will be holding a potluck supper and auction for club members Saturday, Jan. 19 at 6 p.m. Each member who plans to attend is reminded to bring at least one item for the brown bag auction. Auctioneers for the evening will be Chick and Laurie McPherson. For those not familiar with a brown bag auction, the auctioneers will give clues about the items in the paper bags prior to bidding. What a great way to regift some of your unwanted Christmas presents.
Girl Scout cookie time
The 2013 Girl Scout cookie sale has begun. Phase one of the three-phase sale will run now through Jan. 27. Girl Scouts of Maine is introducing a new cookie for this year’s sale. It is called “Mango Crème” and pairs mango flavor with a vanilla/coconut flavor crème sandwiched between two cookie wafers. Also new this year is a price increase. After 10 years, Girl Scouts of Maine officials made the difficult decision to move the price of a box of cookies from $3.50 to $4. This increase aligns with the rest of the country and will also provide more funding for Maine Girl Scouts and their troops. In an effort to “go green,” a couple of the cookies will be packaged in eco-friendly wrap, rather than cardboard boxes. All packaging has had an update, with new photos and logo.
Please support local Girl Scouts by placing an order this month or stopping by a cookie booth in a location near you in March. If you are unable to eat cookies for health reasons, please ask how you can place an order to benefit local charities or military troops.
50/50 raffle
The Mapleton Daze Committee will be having a 50/50 raffle twice a month to help raise funds for the 25th annual Mapleton Daze festivities. Tickets will be sold for $1 each, six for $5 or 12 for $10. Tickets can be purchased in Mapleton at Tenney’s, the Town Office or Mapleton Lunch. They can be purchased in Presque Isle at Bradley’s Citgo. If you are on Facebook, leave a message and a committee member will get in touch with you to purchase tickets. Drawings will be held on the first and third Mondays of each month. For updates, watch the sign in front of the Lion’s Hall, check this column or visit the Committee’s Facebook page. For more information, contact Chantelle Chasse at 551-2290.
Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115 or by e-mail at