Haystack Historical Society in need of pictures

12 years ago

Haystack Historical Society in need of pictures


by Jennifer Buzza

    The Haystack Historical Society needs your help with a special project. We are searching for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill family group portraits to display at the Museum for Mapleton Daze 2013.

The photos can be dropped off at the Haystack Historical Society, located at 1594 Mapleton Road in Mapleton, Saturday, May 25 from 8 a.m.-noon.
Please identify the people in the photo along with your address and telephone number so we can return the portraits to you.


Photo courtesy of Renee Guerrette


    MAPLETON CUB SCOUT PACK 170 spent several hours April 27 cleaning up the Littlefield Road in West Chapman. According to parents, they completed their “leave no trace achievement.” The group walked the entire length of the Littlefield Road and filled an entire truck! Pictured are Scouts and their helpers, from left, front row: Chandler Drost (helper), Syd Smith and Barrett Drost. Middle row: Clint Goheen, Gunnar Carter (helper), Chase Guerrette, Asher Carter, Brody Smith (helper), Tyler Farhnam and Neve Guerrette (helper). Back row: Peter Goheen, den leader.


    Birthday wishes this week go out to Bub Nadeau, Felicia Buck, Colt Putnam, Michael McPherson, LuAnne Michaud, Glendon Braley, Omar Braley, Adam Stoutamyer, Jessica Landry, Bob Hilt, Lacy Condon, Mickey Hall, Troy Fraliex, Naomi McEachern and Melissa Buck.


    Happy anniversary this week to Willie and Carole Soucy on the 9th, Jake and Lucinda Edgecomb on the 12th, and Gerry and Jean Jackson on the 14th.
    Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115, or by e-mail at jbuzza@ainop.com.