Take Off Pounds Sensibly held their weekly meeting on Friday, May 8, at the Aldergate building of the Wesleyan Church in Houlton, with 15 TOPS members and one KOPS member in attendance.
Leader Bessie Wyman opened the meeting with the TOPS pledge and roll call. Joanne Scott, a weight recorder, reported on the losses for the week. Brenda Lacostic was the Loser of the Week with Bessie Wyman as runner-up.
The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read. The 50/50 raffle was won by Diane Folsom and Charlotte Marley won the skinny dish.
Denise Clark did a program on the body mass index and helped us all figure ours out.
Brenda Lacostic will do the program for next week.
TOPS is a support program to help people that want to lose weight and reach a healthy goal. If you would like more info about TOPS, please call Bessie Wyman at 532-6191.