Students learn about fire safety

8 years ago

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine Chief Vince Baldwin of the Fort Fairfield Fire Department recently visited Fort Fairfield Elementary School to talk with all students about fire prevention and safety.

Specifically, he addressed the importance of homes having working smoke detectors, and families knowing and practicing various safe exit plans. The kindergarten and first-grade students also toured the fire station and had a chance to climb on the big trucks. Pre-K students even got to meet Sparky the Fire Dog.
Chief Baldwin handed out assorted goodies, including helmets, bracelets and coloring books, much to the delight of the children. A coloring and poster contest was also part of the learning experience, with winning entries selected at each grade level. Contest winners were Anthony Betancourth, Annabelle Page, Benjamin Bing, Karmon Hitchcock, Jayden Corey and Mcailee Benson.