Island Falls seniors – week of July 11, 2018

7 years ago

Our group met on July 5 at the Island Falls Municipal Building. We all enjoyed a variety of casseroles, finger sandwiches and desserts.

After the lunch Rich entertained us with a selection of songs on his guitar. We then had our meeting beginning with the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. We decided to have our summer cookout at our next meeting.

After the meeting we all had a fun time playing the “bag game.”

We  had four guests join us: Lillian Litte, Bill Freehill, and Kip and Laurie Glidden.

Members attending were Ellie Peck, Jeanne Clemments, Edith Dwyer, Terry Dwyer, Sheila and Dave Emery, Keith and Esther Harvey, Mary Pipes, Derryll and Sherrie Hartin, Darline Hartin, Louise Butcher and Rich Camire.

Our next meeting will be held on July 19 at 11:30 a.m. We welcome all seniors to attend.