Houlton area From our Files – Week of July 1, 2019

6 years ago

115 Years Ago – July 1, 1904

     New business Mr. J. M. Davis, who has for the past three years been connected with G. W. Richards & Co., has resigned and will hereafter conduct a business of his own. Ladies’ suits and garments of all kinds will be carried by Mr. Davis, and all his former friends and patrons are invited to call on him and inspect his fine line at the Newell Millinery House.

     Bargains Gov. W. Richards returned home from Boston, where he picked up some bargains in the dry goods line. He now offers to his Houlton patrons the benefit of the low priced purchases.

100 Years Ago – July 2, 1919

     Moving G. B. Churchill, manager of the Temple Theatre, expects to move his family to Houlton about the middle of July, and will occupy the house recently purchased from W. H. Webber, Elm Street.

     New principal The vacancy in the office of principal of Houlton High, caused by the resignation of W. G. Hoyt, has been filled by the selection of E. V. Perkins of Woodstock, Vt.

75 Years Ago – July 6, 1944

     Winner Donald Spellman was the winner of the flower garden quilt which was made by the Victory Sewing Circle and on which they had sold tickets.

     Purchased Leonard MacNair has purchased Sunset Park at Grand Lake, formerly owned by Max Good of Monticello. Mr. and Mrs. MacNair are renovating it to be used by them as a private camp.

50 Years Ago – July 2, 1969

     Attend conference Dr. and Mrs. Milton Downing and son Matthew returned home Saturday after spending a week in Cincinnati, Ohio, where they attended the National Chiropractors Association Convention.

     Accepts position Miss Sharon L. Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Hughes, was among the 158 graduates from Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., who received their bachelor degrees during the June 28 commencement exercises. Miss Hughes, an elementary education major, was awarded the bachelor of science degree. She will be teaching the fifth grade in the East Greenwich School System, East Greenwich, R.I., next fall.

25 Years Ago – July 6, 1994

    Newly approved Joe Inman was unanimously approved as the new library-media specialist for Houlton High School during the School Administrative District 29 directors’ meeting. A former librarian at Cary Library in Houlton, Inman spent the last five years as SAD 70’s library-media specialist. 

    New physician— Houlton Regional Hospital has announced the addition of Dr. Patrick McGowan to the medical staff. Dr. McGowan is a general/vascular surgeon and he will be joining the practice of Donald Metzger, MD. Dr. McGowan, his wife and two sons, David and Paul, have relocated to Houlton from Ireland and are looking forward to settling into the community and setting up practice.