Enjoy a slice of summer

6 years ago

The fair was early this year. This was mostly an issue of rides for the kids and other events that the ride company needed to address. Still, it now puts almost two months in between the end of the fair and the start of school. 

Boredom, come here. 

         The pool finally opened in Mapleton. Thanks to untimely incidents, it took a while for the new liner to be put in. However, the Mapleton Fire Department did an admirable job hauling water to it. The kids are going to have a fun time at the old swimming hole. 

The gardens themselves are coming along, though the plants are still a bit slow. And as luck would have it, some of the early potato fields are now in bloom. Summer is here.

        It is warming up and even the dogs are finding that a cool spot of shade is better than chasing the old car or motorbike down the road. Roads are beginning to churn up dust and the reconstruction projects are functioning at full speed. 

The heat has returned and it is so welcomed. Pots of tea and tons of ice are being mixed with sugar to make that treat of summer time, sweet tea. And then there is the great-aunt’s infamous potato salad made with mayo and mustard. Other members of the family may have their doubts, but who cares? 

It’s time to chop the watermelon into chunks and turn its juices and fruits into a new fashion statement. Just ask any kid what they are wearing. 

         Barefoot and sandals will keep the feet happy and add to the hazy, lazy days of summer. It’s a very long time before school starts again. Enjoy it.

Orpheus Allison is a photojournalist living in The County who graduated from UMPI and earned a master of liberal arts degree from the University of North Carolina. He began his journalism career at WAGM television later working in many different areas of the US. After 20 years of television he changed careers and taught in China and Korea.