TOPS group gathers – Week of July 15, 2019

6 years ago

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) held its weekly meeting June 28 at the Aldergate Building at the Houlton Wesleyan Church on Kelleran Street. We had nine TOPS and five KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). 

The loser of the week was Pam Richardson and the runner-up was Charlotte Marley. Barbara Troy won the skinny dish and Denise Clark won the 50-50 raffle. Betty Wyman won the health basket. We are doing good at putting great foods in this basket each week. We are still waiting for fresh garden veggies to add.

Barbara Grant presented the program on benefits from bananas. Eating bananas can lower blood pressure, up your potassium, and also level and add fiber to your diet. The United States consumes more bananas than apples and oranges. Bananas rank fourth as a food crop. One medium banana contains three grams of fiber and 422 mg of potassium. 


Thank you Barbara for the great program. We meet every Friday. For more information, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.