What’s Happening in the Presque Isle area – Week of July 6, 2020

5 years ago

Editor’s note: The events calendar returns after a long hiatus due to the pandemic. Any previously listed events from months or years past have been discontinued, so please email us at story@thecounty.me with your nonprofit event information.  

Wednesday, July 8

FORT FAIRFIELD: Regular Senior Commodity Food Program distribution, 2-2:30 p.m., St. Denis Catholic Church parking lot, 143 Main St. FMI: Aroostook Agency on Aging, 764-3396.

MARS HILL: Regular Senior Commodity Food Program distribution, 12:30-1 p.m., Rec Center, 10 ACI St. FMI: Aroostook Agency on Aging, 764-3396.

Thursday, July 9

PRESQUE ISLE: Regular Senior Commodity Food Program distribution, 12-1 p.m., Aroostook Centre Mall.  FMI: Aroostook Agency on Aging, 764-3396.

Friday, July 10

PRESQUE ISLE: Wintergreen Arts Center will feature local artist Dylan Ouellette in a July First Friday art video. To see the video, in which he creates a ceramic creamer, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAGveQKChPU.

Saturday, July 11

MAPLETON: Drive-thru chicken barbecue prepared by Mapleton Lions Club, starting at 4 p.m. at the Lions Hall. Meals $10 each. No eating on premises. Meals will be sealed and passed through vehicle windows.

 Please submit calendar items to story@thecouncy.me or pbrewer@bangordailynews.com. Visit us at thecounty.me for more events.