Houlton downtown windows to be adorned with blasts from the past

3 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Downtown Houlton storefronts will soon be filled with memories of graduating classes from long ago as part of the upcoming multi-class reunion.

“Classes are encouraged to decorate a window in downtown Houlton,” said Nancy Ketch, alumni president. “Several business owners are generously providing window space for classes to decorate with memorabilia and photos from their year. We appreciate their support of this effort and encourage everyone to get together with their classes and prepare some windows.  

The multi-class reunion gala will be held Saturday, July 9, as the culmination of nearly a week-long slate of events. Other activities include an alumni soccer game, July 6; a variety show, July 8; and golf scramble, July 9.

Graduating classes have been assigned certain storefronts to display their photos and memorabilia from their high school days. 

The class year/business assignments are as follows: 

1955 and earlier – H&R Block, Market Square.

1956-1959 – Country North Gifts, Market Square.

1960-1961 – Shiretown Coins, Market Square (Left Window)

1962-1963 – Bates Fuel, Market Square.

1964, 1982 and 1987 – Sage Financial, Main Street.

1965 – Mini Music Shop, Main Street.

1966, 1967, 2018-2022 – Brookside Bakery, Broadway Street.

1968 – Robert Ward, Attorney, Market Square.

1969-1970 – Rick Goodwin, Optometrist, Main Street.

1971-1972 – Carlos Framing, Broadway Street.

1973, 1974, 2006-2012 – Bastions Tavern, Corner of Market Square and Court Street.

1975-1978 – Bloomer and Russell, Main Street.

1979-1980 – Hollywood Pet Salon, Main Street.

1981 and 1988 – Market Pizza, Market Square.

1983-1985, 2003-2005, 2013-2017 – Salvation Army Thrift Shop, Main Street.

1986 – Courtyard Café, Main Street (Middle Window)

1989-1991 – Houlton Pioneer Times, Court Street.

1992-1994 – Cole’s Shoe Store, Kendall Street.

1995-1996 – UnContained Art Center, Main Street.

1997-1998 – Sadie’s Bakery, Water Street.

1999-2002 – Carleton Project, Main Street

Windows should be decorated by Friday, July 1, in time for Midnight Madness. Further information is available by contacting Nancy Ketch at nketch64@gmail.com or 521-7250.