Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of March 6, 2024

Lorraine Monfils, Special to The County
8 months ago

Lately we have been doing a lot of vet runs with multiple cats. The ark is not a typical shelter. We are a sanctuary. We are home to approximately 50 or more feral cats, many of which could never be released back due to health issues. 

We currently have three tripods. We have two cats with some paralysis, which requires us to express their bladders two to three times a day. We have a cat with free-floating hips, a cat that was declawed whose paws are so painful she won’t use a litter box, six feline immunodeficiency virus cats and three leukemia cats. We have one cat, Vida, with cerebellar hypoplasia. Her favorite thing in the world is to be held and loved.

And the list goes on.

Many of the cats that come through our doors will probably live out their days at the sanctuary. Please don’t feel sorry for them. They live in a cage-free environment with access to the outdoors in the summer. The outdoor areas are enclosed so they get access to fresh air and sunshine safely. They are loved by all of our volunteers and they are content and feel safe. They live in a clean environment with an endless supply of food and water.

They go to the vet for yearly exams and vaccinations. We are in the process of doing that now. Every week we take seven to eight cats over. With the ferals we try to do it as safely and stress-free for them as possible. We take our time and catch them the night before. It doesn’t always go as planned but we make it work.

We have an awesome vet and she and her staff are great with them. A few require sedation for their exams, but for the most part there is a level of trust, kindness and patience and no sedation is required. We are forever grateful for Dr. Monteith and her staff at the Florenceville vet clinic.

The Ark is also unique because it is all volunteer based with no paid employees. It gets no town or state funding. Our money comes from donations, fundraising and grants. We are a group dedicated to making a difference in the lives of animals.

We also have highly adoptable cats. Right now the Ark is home to approximately 90 cats. If you have never been to the Ark, we invite you to come check us out. I think you might be surprised at what you find.

We are a small organization with big goals: to help as many animals as we can, to make a difference in their lives and to shower them with the love they so deserve. We are committed to making a change when it comes to neutering and spaying to eliminate unwanted litters. We are committed to each and every animal that passes through our door regardless of age or medical needs.

Thank you for your continued support and, as always, thank you for reading our column.