Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of March 13, 2024

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
10 months ago

99 Years Ago – March 12, 1925

Gatherings — Bridgewater Sunshine Club organized with 14 members: Mrs. Beatrice Barrett, president; Mrs. Estelle Randall, vice president; Jessie Bradstreet, secretary; and Mrs. Bert Carmichael, treasurer. They were invited Wednesday evening to Mrs. Agnes Nichols, it being her first anniversary. A fine supper was served. The club presented her with a book. Saturday afternoon, the surprised one of their members, Mrs. Gene Good, it being her birthday. Coffee, birthday cake and fancy wafers were served.

50 Years Ago – March 13, 1974

Four made Eagle — Some 50 persons associated with Boy Scout Troop 171 of Presque Isle gathered at Grant Memorial Methodist Church for a court of honor which officially named four boys to Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. The four Eagles, brought to 29 the total for the 46 years of the troop, were, Robbie Smith, Frank Allen, Keith Pelkey and Scott Smith. Assistant Scoutmaster, Francis Allen; Committeemen, Myron Gartley and Philip Estey; and Scoutmaster, Carroll Smith were also present at the ceremony. In addition to the Eagle Awards, badges of merit were presented to Ricky Williams, and Paul and Leon Kouyoamjian. Estey was presented a plaque for his years of service to the troop.

Winners on Cash Call… — Mrs. Mary Violette, $75.64 winner, and Mrs. Adlen Wilcox, $50.08 winner, received their Cash Call winnings from Bob Dow, sales manager for WDHP radio. Cash Call was held weekly, Mondays thru Fridays. All you had to do was answer the phone and give the correct amount of $$$$$ in the CASH CALL.

Ashland scored in Jayvee play — The host club won the Ashland Jayvee tournament held at Ashland May 2. The tourney teams came from Danforth, Hodgdon, Southern Aroostook and Ashland. In the title game, Ashland Jayvees defeated Hodgdon Jayvees 56 to 48. Rhinebolt and Marin paced the winners each with 12 points, and Toner led Hodgdon with 13. Players picked for the all-tourney team were Davis of Danforth, Crane of Hodgdon, Howes and Rhinebold of Ashland and Prescott of Southern Aroostook.

25 Years Ago – March 17, 1999

Computer donation aid local students — Thanks to the generosity of MBNA, SAD 1 middle school students received new computer labs to work in. The credit card giant donated 50 used IBM-compatible computers to the local district the previous summer, which were used to outfit the computer labs at Skyway and Cunningham middle school. Each school received 25 of the computers. Steve Vance, SAD 1 technology coordinator, said the computers became available the previous summer after being updated with newer models. He said SAD 1 personnel had to travel to Veazie to pick up the computers and transport them back to Presque Isle. MBNA educational liaison Randy Curtis helped to make the donation possible. The computers were no more than four years old, they had to be cleaned up and were in excellent working condition. Students in grades 6-8 had regular access to the computers for keyboarding and research assignments at school. 

State champions — Tim Lyford and Caitlin Henrikson, both students at Cunningham Middle School in Presque Isle, claimed state titles in the Elks Hoop Shoot foul shooting competition held the previous month in Portland. Lyford won the 10- and 11- year-old boys division by nailing 20 of 25 free throws, while Henrikson prevailed in the 12-13 girls division by making 21 of 25.

Good sports — The Washburn boys varsity basketball team won the Maine Principals’ Association sportsmanship banner for the Eastern Maine Class D Tournament held. Team members were Allen Milton, Darin Cunningham, Andrew Blackstone, Mark Baker, Mark Kelley, Nick Thompson, Doug Everett, Josh Blackstone, Tim Gagnon, Ben Umphrey, Josh Maynard, Frank Plucker, Josh Worsley, Chris Tupper, Darren Pesut and Craig Hunt; managers, Sarah Brown, Jason Thomas and Beth Brissette; coaches, Larry Worcester, Adam Grant and Dana Hale.