Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of March 27, 2024

Lorraine Monfils, Special to The County
7 months ago

The past few weeks have been difficult. We have taken in so many hard cases and each one has been different.

We took in a pregnant female who was emaciated, loaded with fleas and missing fur. Two days later she delivered three tiny kittens. We named mom Destiny. Destiny’s milk dried up on day 10 and the kittens and mom all developed upper respiratory infections. They were taken to the Florenceville vet clinic, where they stayed and received round-the-clock care. The kittens were all females and named Beyonce, Michelle and Kelly. At just 2 weeks old, Michelle passed away. A few days later Beyonce passed away. These tiny little souls fought so hard to survive, but the odds were against them from the start. 

Destiny and her kittens came to the Ark Animal Sanctuary. Destiny and one kitten survived. (
Courtesy of Lorraine Monfils)

Destiny and her one remaining kitten, Kelly, are still at the vet after almost three weeks. Destiny is doing amazing and Kelly is improving. We are in hopes Kelly will make a full recovery.

We also took in a black male around 2 years old. We named him Edwin. He was  matted and so emaciated he couldn’t even walk. We rushed him to the vet. His blood work was terrible and his kidneys were swollen. He had a horrible urinary tract infection, so we started there.We wanted to give him every chance so we started treatment. Sadly, the next day Edwin passed away.

We took in a 4-month old female. The owners had said they had kept her separated from their males. Sadly, that wasn’t the case. Carly was pregnant with three tiny kittens. The pregnancy was not viable and she lost the kittens.

On Monday we rushed a little grey and white cat named Lorna to the vet. She had  X-rays and it was determined she had some type of blockage. She died on the surgery table.

The outcome for each one of these cats could have been different. If Destiny had been spayed or even given proper vet care and nutrition, there would have been no suffering.

If Edwin had had an owner who loved him and he had been neutered, things would have been different. If Carly had been spayed, things would have been different. And Lorna — well her, life should have been so different.

The one common denominator in all of this is that once again humans failed them all.

Each one of these cats deserved so much better. They deserved a life where there was  no needless pain or suffering. They deserved love. Sadly, those things came too late.

Our volunteers have been amazing through all of this. They loved these cats like they were family. Their hearts were broken but they continue on. Why? Because there is a need. We are their last hope and we owe it to them to tell their stories.

Please neuter and spay your pets. It is the responsible thing to do and the right thing to do.