Stories by Chris Bouchard

4 years ago

Limestone Country Club celebrates ribbon cutting

Bradlee Boyles has been working to expand the Limestone Country Club into a place where not only men, but women and children, are encouraged to golf, in addition to a restaurant featuring activities like darts and a growing arcade.

4 years ago

Council approves 2021 attendance policy

Caribou City Council voted to move forward with a policy on meeting attendance for 2021 in which councilors risk forfeiture if they have three consecutive unexcused absences or fail to attend 80 percent of workshop and committee meetings outside of regular council meetings in which they have voting power.

4 years ago

New councilors sworn in, Smith voted mayor

The Caribou City Council swore in three members during their Jan. 4 organizational meeting and elected Jody Smith as the mayor and Thomas Ayer as the deputy mayor.